- Plants provide many chemicals that can be useful to humans, especially for drugs and insecticides. 植物能为人类提供有用的化学物质,特别是药物和杀虫剂。
- They select books that are useful to them. 他们挑选那些对他们有用的书。
- Well, the MRI scan picks up chemicals that are inside the blood... 嗯,MRI(磁共振)扫描能检测出在血液中的化学药品...
- That are useful when working with all types of wait handles. 它包含在处理所有类型的等待句柄时十分有用的静态方法,如。
- Tears are loaded with electrolyte salts, chemicals that are also found deep inside your body. 眼泪含有电解的盐类物质,这类化学物质在你身体的深处也存在。
- You can use the Links list to share links that are useful to team members. 可以使用“链接”列表共享对工作组成员有用的链接。
- The scientists assembled the synthetic genome by stringing together chemicals that are the building blocks of DNA. 科学家们将实验室化学物质作为脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)的基因块串列在一起,从而合成出了基因组。
- He bit on anything that was useful. 他把有用的东西都弄到手。
- A book about plants and herbs,especially those that are useful to human beings. 草药书有关植物和牧草的书,尤指有关对人类有用的植物的书。
- A set of system performance counters that are useful to monitor during a load test. 可用于在负载测试过程中进行监视的一组系统性能计数器。
- chemicals that are useful 有效的化学品
- Class provides several methods that are useful for creating a report definition file. 类提供了几种创建报表定义文件的方法。
- The polyester sheath provides added protection for ultraviolet light and from chemicals that are harmful to nylon. 聚酯护套提供增加的保护紫外线和从化学制品对尼龙伤害。
- EXSLT provides XSLT 1.0 Users with almost all of the capabilities that are useful in XSLT 2.0, and more. EXSLT为XSLT 1.;0用户提供了几乎所有XSLT 2
- Chemicals that produce a noxious vapor when mixed. 化学物质混合后会放出有毒气体
- Exposes only objects that are useful in the current project type; it suppresses objects that are not applicable. 只公开用于当前项目类型的对象,而不公开不适用的对象。
- Orange oil also has substances that are useful to dissolving dead skin cells for better regeneration of the epidermis. 甜橙精油也具有一些溶解死皮细胞以让表皮更好再生的物质。
- Now, people have computers that are useful things, such as scholar does not go out and make known the world in general. 译文:现在,人们有了电脑这个十分有用的东西,都像是秀才不出门,尽知天下事一般。
- This can be useful to visually impaired people or for web pages that are unreadable due to bad design. 这对视觉受损的人或由于糟糕的设计而很难读的网页很有用。
- Organic vegetables are vegetables that are grown without chemicals that can be harmful to human beings and the environment. 有机蔬菜就是不用化学药品种植的蔬菜,化学药品对人类和环境是有害的。