- Always keep your cheque book in safe place. 注意把支票本放在安全的地方。
- Have you got your cheque book with you? 您的支票本带来了没有?
- The manager raised Cain over the loss of that cheque book. 经理为那本支票簿的丢失大发雷霆。
- I lost my cheque book, tore my jacket, and trapped my finger in a door all in one day-it never rains but it pours! 一天之内我丢了支票本,扯破了茄克衫,在门上夹伤了手指——真是祸不单行!
- A new cheque book and these dollars into sterling,please. 要一本新的支票簿并请把这些美元兑换成英镑。
- A new cheque book and these dollars into sterling, please. 要一本新的支票簿并请把这些美元兑换成英镑。
- STG cheque book can be found in second drawer in my office. 英镑的支票本,可在第二个抽屉里找到我的办公室。
- The number on the card should be identical with the one on the cheque book. 卡上的号码应该和支票簿上的相同。
- I wasn't intending to buy anything but I took my cheque book just in case. 我不打算买什么东西,但带着支票簿以防万一。
- Finally, a savings passbook was made out or a temporary cheque book issued. 最后是开具银行存折或是发给临时支票
- A Lloyd's Bank cheque book enables you to keep your money affairs in good order.... 手中有劳埃德支票簿可以使您高效率地管好您的钱财。
- I was about to pay for the shopping when it suddenly dawned on me that I'd left my cheque book at home. 我刚要付钱买东西,突然想起我把支票簿放在家里了。
- Cheque book Cheque book allows you to pay for goods and services without having to use cash. 支票本你可以使用支票而不是现金来支付商品及服务。
- Current account A current account may offer a cheque book, cheque guarantee card, cash card, debit card and so on. 现金帐户现金帐户可以给你办支票本,支票担保卡借方卡等等。
- She tells me: 'We live in an "I want" society, and a woman with a cheque book wields a great deal of power. 她告诉我:“我们生活在一个‘我想要’的社会,一个女人掌握支票簿就掌握了很大的权力。”
- Lloyd's Bank cheque book enables you to keep your money affairs in good order.... 手中有劳埃德支票簿可以使您高效率地管好您的钱财。
- Lord Mandelson is understood to be sympathetic to the argument that Jaguar Land Rover is a potential exception to his “no open cheque book” rule. 曼德尔森一直坚持“不开空白支票”的规矩,有一种说法是捷豹-路虎可能会是个例外,人们普遍认为,对于这种观点,曼德尔森是认同的。
- With a current account you have the advantage of a cheque book service, which means that you don't have the risk of carrying large amounts of cash with you. 有了往来账户,客户就可以享受到支票簿服务的便利,也就是说,客户用不着随身携带大量现金,避免了风险。
- Here's the cheque book. 这是一本支票簿。
- Uncollected cheque books will be sent by registered mail to the account holder, postage will be debited to the account holder's current account. 逾期未領取的支票簿,將以掛號郵件寄予客戶,有關之郵費將於客戶的往來戶口內扣除。