- They have high hopes for their children. 他们对自己的孩子们寄予厚望。
- Do you have high hopes for Monte Carlo? 你对蒙特卡洛抱着很高的期望吗?
- cherish high hopes for 有厚望焉
- I have very high hopes for our team this season. 我对于球队这一季的表现有很高的期望。
- The poor sales of the product belied our high hopes for it. 这种产品销售不佳,证明我们对它的高度期望是错的。
- We had high hopes for the business(= we believed it would be successful). 我们对这项生意寄予了很大希望。
- Dai added that she had high hopes for the "smiling volunteers" team. 戴老师说,她对这个“微笑志愿者”小组抱有很高的期望。
- With high hope for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured. 既然将来很有希望,那麽我也无须在这方面作什麽预言了。
- With increasing numbers of skilled personnel, we can have high hopes for our cause. 人才不断涌出,我们的事业才有希望。
- With increasing numbers of skilled personnel,we can have high hopes for our cause. 人才不断涌出,我们的事业才有希望。
- Mother loved her movies,and although she rarely had breakfast in bed,she held high hopes for her daughter. 我妈很喜欢那些电影,尽管她自己很少在床上用早餐,却非常希望女儿能这样。
- Marketplace Chaplains expanded into Mexico and Puerto Rico this year, and has high hopes for the British market. 德州的牧师交流公司今年已经把业务拓展到了墨西哥和波多黎各,他们还对英国市场寄予很高的希望。
- Mother loved her movies, and although she rarely had breakfast in bed, she held high hopes for her daughter. 我妈很喜欢那些电影,尽管她自己很少在床上用早餐,却非常希望女儿能这样。
- And the original high hopes for the new cooperation plan eastbound, Air China as a result of spoiler eventually died. 而其原本寄予厚望的东新合作计划,也因国航搅局而最终夭折。
- I don't cherish much hope for the new plan. 我对新的计划不抱多大希望。
- MotIT loved IT movies, and although IT rare notly had breakfast in bed, IT held high hopes for IT daughter. 我妈很喜爱那些MOVIE,尽管她本人很少在床上用早餐,却非比寻常期望女儿能那样。
- McLaren had high hopes for Monza, but ultimately the MP4-21 wasn't quite quick enough. 迈凯轮车队对蒙扎怀着很高的期望,但最终MP4-21的速度却快得不够。
- An exciting talent, Gonzalez is a player that manager Rafael Benitez has high hopes for at Liverpool. 具有令人兴奋的天赋的冈萨雷斯在利物浦是一名被贝尼特斯给予厚望的球员。
- I do not cherish much hope for the new plan. 我对新的计划不抱多大希望。
- In the face of such internal and external "troubles",youths like us who had such high hopes for Nantah did not know what to do. 面对着“内忧外患”,我们这批对南大充满希望的青年几乎无所适从。