- Most Americans cherish freedom and independence. 大多数美国人都钟爱自由和独立。
- Never cherish a serpent in your bosom. 永远不要施恩于忘恩负义之人。
- Bulgaria declared her independence in1908. 保加利亚于1908年宣布独立。
- India gained independence from Britain in1947. 一九四七年印度脱离英国独立。
- The people in that country urged independence. 那个国家的人民要求独立。
- I had a replica in little of Independence Hall. 我有一件独立纪念堂的小型复制品。
- I tried to preserve my independence. 我试图保持自己的独立性。
- The country attained its independence in 1972. 这个国家在1972年获得了独立。
- cherish independence 拥护独立
- People always cherish the memory of the national hero. 人们永远怀念这位民族英雄。
- They fought for national independence. 他们为民族独立而战。
- I shall evermore cherish the memory of the patriotic poet. 我将永远怀念这位爱国诗人。
- The Forth of July is the National Independence Day of the USA. 七月四日是美国国庆日。
- I don't cherish much hope for the new plan. 我对新的计划不抱多大希望。
- The struggle for independence is gaining momentum every day. 为独立而斗争的势头日益增长。
- Cherish anima, do not be damage. 以珍爱生命为荣,以伤害生命为耻。
- Hereon,I holp you would cherish all you friends. 在此,希望你能更珍惜你的朋友。
- The struggle will not cease till the country achieves independence. 要到国家获得独立,斗争才会止息。
- We support the army and cherish the people. 我们拥军爱民。
- I prize my independence too much to go and work for them. 我决不愿意丧失自己的独立性去为他们效劳。