- Never cherish a serpent in your bosom. 永远不要施恩于忘恩负义之人。
- She unconsciously moved back a pace or two. 她下意识地向后退了一两步。
- He made that mistake unconsciously. 他无意中犯了那个错误。
- People always cherish the memory of the national hero. 人们永远怀念这位民族英雄。
- I shall evermore cherish the memory of the patriotic poet. 我将永远怀念这位爱国诗人。
- He clicked his heels unconsciously. 他不自觉地使鞋后跟发出咔哒咔哒的响声。
- She was unconsciously misreading their actions. 她正不自觉地误解他们行动的目的。
- I don't cherish much hope for the new plan. 我对新的计划不抱多大希望。
- Cherish anima, do not be damage. 以珍爱生命为荣,以伤害生命为耻。
- Hereon,I holp you would cherish all you friends. 在此,希望你能更珍惜你的朋友。
- We support the army and cherish the people. 我们拥军爱民。
- Most Americans cherish freedom and independence. 大多数美国人都钟爱自由和独立。
- They cherish a belief in ghosts. 他们相信鬼魂的存在。
- To place, receive, or cherish in the soul. 使深入心灵在内心深处放置、接受或珍藏
- I do not cherish much hope for the new plan. 我对新的计划不抱多大希望。
- Cherish the memory of those days in Paris. 怀念在巴黎的岁月。
- Managers seem to cherish "soft" information. 管理者们似乎对“软”信息怀有好感。
- That was a very pervert idea to cherish in heaven. 尽管这种想法十分大逆不道,但是七仙女下定决心要追求自己的幸福,于是她私自下界来到人间。
- The adults have a powerful urge to cherish a chick. 成年的企鹅有种强烈的使命感 要把幼小的企鹅抚育成长
- I'll cherish out memories forever. 我会永远珍惜我们的回忆。