- A childlike innocence shone out of his handsome eyes. 一束孩童般的天真无邪的光从他那双俊秀的眼睛里闪耀出来。
- He is tired, delicate with an air of childlike innocence. 他疲乏纤弱,一副孩子般天真无邪的神态。
- Though nearly at the age of fifty, he still retains childlike innocence. 他虽年近半百,但仍童心未泯。
- History proves liberal education is the childlike innocence of university. 摘要历史证明,自由教育是大学的一颗童心。
- Following his every instruction with a childlike innocence that is amusing. 从事他的与是可笑的纯稚无罪的每指示。
- Natural sex, childlike innocence and strength are the natural expressions of life in SHEN's novels. 这种精神浸透到了它的生命形态、运观念、世精神之中。
- When adults can eavesdrop on the world of childlike innocence, kids certainly do say the darndest things. 当成年人可以偷听到无忌童言时,孩子们说的话的确奇妙极了。
- Mildness and profoundness of their emotions : affection and childlike innocence. 二、温润深厚:爱与童心。
- It is a technique he discovered in his attempt to imitate handwriting of children so as to capture the childlike innocence inherent in human nature. 这是他从小孩子纯朴的笔迹获得启示后,试图模仿并捕捉人性中最纯朴自然的赤子之心的美感。
- I am kindhearted and honest, and maintain independent personality, free thought and childlike innocence which do not vanish. 追求独立人格、自由思想和生命的价值;葆有一颗永远求真的童心。
- This paper tries to examine closely the relationship between defamiliarization and the childlike innocence, so as to make a brief comment on Ch... 本文试图通过考量“陌生化”与童心的关系,对相关的中国古典学说和文学经典略作评述。
- The characteristics of 'childlike innocence ’are advocating true feeling, affirming humanity, pursuing selfhood, they incarnate development and heritage of thinking and culture. 李贽以倡导真情、肯定人性、追求自我为内涵的“童心说”,是先秦儒道哲学的当下生成 ,体现了思想文化的历史发展与时代变异
- In the child's eyes, all things in the world are all beautiful and incomparable ! I will have a childlike innocence forever, will play together with child, together happy! 在孩子的眼里,世界上的一切事物皆美好无比!我要永远拥有一颗童心,与孩子一起玩,一起快乐!
- Many people believed Michael spent his whole life trying to find those lost years, surrounding himself with children, and approaching his life and work with a childlike innocence. 许多人认为迈克尔整个一生都在试图通过与孩子相伴、用孩童般的纯真来对待生活和工作,以此来找回那些失去的年岁。
- Themes from myth, a worldzhen qi , Pang River stone image of the art of foolish stubborn lovely animals, very friendly, happy and lively with a childlike innocence. 取神话题材,得天地真气,庞清河石雕艺术的动物形象憨顽可爱,颇亲和,雀跃着一颗活泼的童心。
- theory of preserving childlike innocence 童心说
- childlike innocence; playfulness; childishness 童心
- Sun Li's Childlike Innocence in His Late Years 浅论晚年孙犁的童心情结
- Children's Literature with Childlike Innocence 儿童文学:呵护童心
- the world of childlike innocence 童心世界