- Many women are loath to see someone else's children drawing their husband's affection away from their own offspring. 很多中国女人则不愿意看到别人的孩子把丈夫的爱从自己的孩子身上移走。
- The child drew glass beads on a string. 这个孩子把玻璃珠穿在一根绳上。
- The child drew out the elastic until it measured a yard. 那孩子把橡皮筋拉了一码长。
- With mother earning and his elder children drawing substantial wages father is seldom the dominant figure that he still was at the beginning of the century. 由于母亲挣钱和大孩子也拿相当的工资,父亲很少再象本世纪初那样是一家之主了。
- Buy sleeving stationery, jewelry box, plush toy, rubber flower, cartoon clock, children drawing board, and glass vase.Purchasing quantity is above 2000 for each type of product. 采购套装文具、手饰盒、毛绒玩具、橡胶花、卡通钟、儿童画板、玻璃花瓶;
- Father sighed, walk into car room, discover that is hopeful however what is the child drawing out cheerly in equestrian dung. 父亲叹了口气,走进车房,却发现那乐观孩子正兴高采烈地在马粪里掏著什么。
- Help your child draw diagrams similar to those in the story to determine the number of different sundaes they could create with their imaginary ingredients. 然后帮助孩子画出跟故事中相仿的图表来,以让他们算出用各种想象的材料所可以做出的圣代冰淇淋的种类。
- And with the prize of a puppy bred from the line of Putin's beloved black Labrador Koni up for grabs in the "Children draw Putin" competition, many of the paintings on show in a Moscow gallery featured the pet. 这场名为“孩子画普京”大赛的奖品为一只有着普京心爱的黑色拉布拉多猎狗科尼血统的狗宝宝,为此这些在莫斯科一家画廊里展出的作品大都以这只小狗为主题。
- The children are playing on the swings in the park. 孩子们在公园里荡秋千。
- Another child drew two swallows, meaning that Master would come when spring comes. 有一位小朋友画了两只燕子,意思说春天到,师父就会来。
- See the children ramping about in the playground. 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。
- The teacher in the child draws in the creation teaching to help the child to have the self-confidence, builds a loose learning environment with every effort for child's drawing creation. 教师在儿童画创作教学中应该帮助孩子树立自信心,尽力为儿童的绘画创作营造一个宽松的学习环境。
- The children walk down the street hand in hand. 孩子们手拉手地在街上散步。
- A mother naturally feels protective towards her children. 母亲对自己的孩子自然会悉心保护。
- Children's bad behavior is often a reflection on their parents. 小孩的坏品行常常有损父母的名誉。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- He has forsaken his wife and children. 他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。
- She knew the children were up to mischief. 她知道孩子们在做淘气的事情。
- From all around we heard the laughter of children. 我们到处都听见儿童的笑声。