- A sort of chilled nodular iron camshaft was developed by adopting resin-coated sand shell mould casting process. 开发了一种采用树脂砂壳型铸造的激冷球铁凸轮轴。
- chilled nodular iron camshaft 激冷球铁凸轮轴
- The cast nodular iron camshaft can substitute the forged alloy steel by laser surface hardening, in this way, profits can be raised. 采用激光表面改性处理球墨铸铁凸轮轴;达到以铸代锻的目的;提高经济效益.
- Nodular iron camshaft 球墨铸铁凸轮轴
- The influence of chemical composition and inoculation on the microstructure and properties of chilled ductile iron camshaft was investigated. 研究了化学成分和孕育处理对激冷球铁凸轮轴组织和性能的影响。
- The effect of superheat on characteristics of melt iron and microstructure of chilled iron camshaft was studied in a 1 t intermediate frequency induction furnace. 研究了1t中频炉铁液过热对铁液质量和激冷铸铁凸轮轴组织的影响。
- How is timing controlled to prevent nodular iron fade? 如何控制球铁孕育时间?防止石墨退化?
- Basic graphite morphology types of nodular iron were introduced. 介绍球墨铸铁中石墨的基本形态类型。
- The isothermal quenching process of the ductile iron camshaft was analyzed. 摘要对球铁凸轮轴的等温淬火工艺进行了分析。
- Foundry Technology of Chilled Cast Iron Camshaft 冷激铸铁凸轮轴铸造技术
- The quality control of cored-wire injection process used for production of as-cast ferrite nodular iron was described. 摘要介绍用喂线球化工艺生产优质铸态铁素体球墨铸铁的质量控制要点。
- The reason causing nodularization degeneration in surface layer of furan resin sand nodular iron castings was analyzed. 对呋喃树脂砂球墨铸铁件表层球化衰退原因进行了分析。
- The large quantity of nodular iron castings had back bridge housing are produced by using copula and handcraft molding. 通过合理熔炼、造型、制芯及铸造工艺参数,采用冲天炉熔炼,手工造型制芯,实现批量生产优质带包类桥壳球铁件。
- Production Technique of Low Alloy Chilled Cast Iron Camshaft 低合金冷激铸铁凸轮轴的生产技术
- The foundry method design of a nodular iron reductor housing with ferrite matrix was de-scribed. 介绍了铁素体基体球铁减速器壳体的铸造工艺设计。
- The bracket of as-cast ferritic nodular iron breaks due to brittle fracture when it is assembled. 摘要铁素体球铁铸件支架在装配时发生脆性断裂失效。
- Influence of Trace Amount of Antimony on Chilled Cast Iron Camshaft 微量锑对冷激铸铁凸轮轴的影响
- The RE(Y)-Mg-Si-Fe nodularizer had been used to cast heavy sectioned high ductile nodular iron cooling wall castings. 应用钇基重稀土镁复合球化剂,铸造厚大断面高韧性球铁冷却壁,成功地获得了铸件中心部位铸态高性能。
- Improvement of Anti- Breaking of Chilled Grey Cast Iron Camshaft 提高冷激灰铸铁凸轮轴抗断裂性能
- The microstructure,wear resisting and abrasive mechanism of argon arc remelting area of alloyed casting iron camshaft is studied. 研究了合金铸铁凸轮轴氩弧重熔淬火后强化层的组织、耐磨性及磨损机理。