- chinese electronic journal 中文电子期刊
- Whether the Paper Journal Can be Substituted by the Electronic Journal? 电子期刊目前能取代纸质期刊吗?
- Methods We searched MEDLINE and the four largest Chinese electronic databases. 方法计算机检索MEDLINE和中国国内4个最大的电子数据库;
- In this paper, the entomology-related electronic journal resources were briefly introduced. 本文着重简述与昆虫学相关的国内外电子期刊资源。
- Donald E.Abelson, Think Tanks and U.S.Foreign Policy: A Historical View,U.S.Foreign Policy Agenda: An Electronic Journal Of The U.S. 在美国,想成为党员,只要于选举时,在选民登记表上自己填上那个党的名称就行了,在投票的时候投这个党的票,就可以说明你是该党的党员。
- Journal of Chinese electron microscopy society / 中国电子显微镜学会.
- Paper journal has many features such as its stability, high collection value and consulting rate, so it can't be replaced by electronic journal. 纸质型期刊具有相对稳定、较大收藏价值和较高查阅率的特点,因此,电子期刊不可能取代纸质型期刊。
- EP-China serves Chinese electronic engineers with the latest information on product technology. 《今日电子》杂志及时为国内的电子工程师和工程管理人员提供最前沿的产品技术信息。
- The information contained in this field is sufficient to allow for the electronic transfer of a file, subscription to an electronic journal, or logon to an electronic resource. 本字段中提供的信息足以实现电子文件的传送、子期刊的定阅或登录到一个电子资源。
- We can say that every change of technology is the impetus of the development of Chinese electronic publishing industry. 可以说,技术的每一次变革都是推动我国电子出版业发展的原动力。
- Newton-Smith C.When the Electronic Journal Comes to the Campus.In the Electronic Journal:The Future of Serials-Based Information,ed.Brian Cook.(New York:Haworth Press,c1992),P31. 张寒生;王伟.;从电子期刊的发展趋势谈我国数字期刊群的建设[J]
- The history of Chinese electronic publishing industry is closely bound up with the development of electronic technology. 我国电子出版业的发展历史与电子出版技术的发展密切相关。
- Chinese electronic warfare operational concepts emphasize concealing the activities and disposition of PLA forces and misleading the enemy. 中国的电子战操作概念强调隐蔽解放军的行动和部署,并且误导敌军。
- Yuelin Wang The senior member of IEEE, the committeeman of the sensitive technology branch of Chinese Electronic Institute. 张文栋: 中北大学校长,中国兵工学会副理事长,中国兵工学会测试技术专业委员会主任委员。
- We would take it a glory tomake our contribution to help Chinese electronic industrystand in the frint of electrinic industry aroundthe world. 为广大新老客户创造最大效益、为中国的电子生产产业进入世界电子生产前列作出贡献。
- Electronic Journal of Business and Organizational Ethics Electronic Journal of Evolutionary Modeling and Economic Dynamics Electronic Journal of Probability Emerging Markets Review Empirica. 奥地利经济研究所和经济协会联合编辑的经济学刊物。论述与经济政策相关的问题,侧重三个方面:工业经济学;经济一体化;经济政策。
- The paper analyses some adaptability and characteristics of authorizing modes when using the digital copyright in an electronic journal office.It proposes some problems in different authorizing modes. 分析了期刊社使用数字版权若干授权模式的适用性、特点,就各种授权模式应用中应注意的问题进行了阐述。
- After backstage electronic finance and proscenium electronic finance,Chinese electronic finance has entered into an application stage of technology integration. 我国金融电子化在经历了后台电子化、前台电子化之后,目前已进入了以网络开发为标志的技术集成化应用阶段。
- Li Guoqing expresses excitedly " the target makes field of Chinese electron business affairs namely ' sell greatly ' , the first when make Chinese B2C and C2C field " . 李国庆激动地表示“目标就是成为中国电子商务领域的‘大卖场’,成为中国B2C和C2C领域的第一名”。
- In the meantime, the consumption on the net is very safe also, pay development as Chinese electron, we pay mode to will compare Euramerican country more advanced, safer. 同时,网上消费也很安全,随着中国电子支付发展,我们支付模式将会比欧美国家更先进、更安全。