- The bark or wood of either of these trees. 破斧木皮或木材这些乔木的任一种的树皮或木材
- He joined the two pieces of wood together with glue. 他用胶水将这两块木料黏在一起。
- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- Those trees have very beautiful white bark. 那些树长着非常漂亮的白色树皮。
- He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
- Not only did the dog bark at him, but (it) bit him. 这只狗不但对他吠叫,而且咬了他。
- Rubber has more resilience than wood. 橡胶有比木头更大的弹性。
- Some officers bark out their orders. 有些军官以粗暴的声音发布命令。
- The axe sliced through the wood. 斧头一下子把木头劈开了。
- Dog that bark at a distance bite not at hand. 狗在远处叫,未必即咬人。
- The bonfire was piled with wood. 篝火用木柴堆得高高的。
- That lathe is used for shaping pieces of wood. 那个车床是用来加工木材的。
- The bark of saplings galled by improper staking. 由于不正确地打桩,小树苗的树皮受到了损伤
- The characteristically deep, gruff bark of a dog. 狗吠声有特色地低沉的、粗哑的狗叫
- You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。
- The bark of plane trees peels off regularly. 悬铃木的树皮到时候就脱落。
- Don't let the fire go out; there's plenty of wood. 不要让火灭了,有的是木柴。
- The birch has smooth bark and slender branches. 桦树有光滑的皮和细长的枝。
- Keep that piece of wood; it may come in useful. 留着那块木头,它可能会有用的。
- Dogs that bark at a distance bite not at hand. 远处狗就叫,近身不会咬。