- choice entry field 选择输入域
- The form has a single text entry field with an associated label. 该表单有单个文本输入字段,且带有相关的标签。
- The application validates postal codes entered into an entry field. 这个应用程序验证输入到输入域中的邮政编码。
- The user types some text into the entry field and then clicks the button. 用户在输入域中输入文本,然后单击该按钮。
- The SPID entry field only displays when the NI1 or DMS 100 network type is selected. 仅当NI1型或DMS100型网络被选中时,SPID键入区才会显示。
- Remember to use the middle button to drag the file name to the Selection entry field. 记住使用鼠标中键将文件名拖拽到Selection entry字段中。
- The entry field appears below the caption and the submit button appears below the entry field. 输入字段出现在标题下面,而提交按钮出现在输入字段下面。
- The entry field appears below the caption, and the submit button has moved to one of the softkeys. 输入字段出现在标题下方,而提交按钮已被移到一个软键位置。
- This causes the entry field to appear to the right of the caption for devices that use this layout. 这使得输入字段出现在使用此布局的设备的标题右边。
- Using the cursor keys, select the desired entry field within a screen. The cursor is located on the entry field. 使用光标键在屏幕中选择所需的输入字段,光标位于输入字段中。
- When installing S@S in another directory, did you set the correct directory/ies in the second entry field? 当安装县S在另一个目录下,并设置正确的目录/处的第二个条目领域?
- The number of seconds GDM should wait before reactivating the entry field after a failed login. 在失败的登入之后,GDM应该等多少秒之后才重起动。
- To provide rich visual feedback, the entry field could change colors to reflect its estimate of the validity of the entered data. 为了提供丰富的视觉反馈,可以改变输入字段的颜色来反映对输入数据有效性的判断。
- The lower entry field contains all the HTML that comes after the content area. This might include a right gutter and a footer. 下面的输入区域包含所有内容后的HTML,可以是页右栏和页尾。
- That lucky guy is a choice pickup for the girls. 那位幸运的男孩是女孩子们想把上的人。
- In this case, the prompt to enter a password is displayed automatically. The entry field for the password and the current password level setting are displayed. 在这种情况下将在显示屏上自动提示输入密码并显示密码和当前密码级设置的输入字段。
- Presents up to four text entry fields to a user and returns the contents of those fields during installation. 在安装过程中向用户显示最多四个文本项字段,并返回这些字段的内容。
- I believe that he can make a judicious choice. 我相信他能作出明智的选择。
- Window then shows a set of entry fields, one for each of the input parameters for your Web service. 窗口就显示一组条目字段,每一个都用于您的Web服务的输入参数。
- SWT has all the controls you would expect from a modern library, such as entry fields, lists, and buttons. SWT具有您期望从现代库中获得的所有控件,譬如输入域、列表和按钮。