- I mean, yeah, it's really nice that I have a wonderful three-point stance and that I know how to do a chop block and all this kind of stuff. 我是说,是啊,我的获三分的触地姿式很带劲儿,我也很会玩膝下阻挡,还会玩很多这种小技巧。
- This traffic law is on the chopping block. 这项交通法规要被废除掉。
- Our whole future is on the chopping block. 我们的整个未来受到严重威胁。
- They had used that stump for many years as a chopping block. 多年来他们都把这个树桩当作砧板。
- Squeeze the spinach to remove all excess liquid. Place the spinach on a chopping block and chop coarsely. 挤压菠菜,把所有多余的汁液挤干净。把菠菜放在菜板上,切段。
- The knife was stuck on the chopping block but she pulled it out with a jerk. 刀被卡在砧板上了,但她猛的一下就把它拔了出来。
- They kept a big stump in the house as a chopping block to kill cows on. 他们在房子里放了一个树桩,当成杀牛的砧板。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- Please don't chop in as much as you are doing. 请别老是这样没完没了地插话。
- Drag 'em in the woods and go straight to the chopping blocks (AHH! 抓住她们就把她们拖进树林给砍了(啊!)
- He got the chop for always being late. 他老是迟到,所以被解雇了。
- The body would then be brought to the chopping block to be butchered for the oven. 为了装进烤炉,随后杀死的鹿被带到砧板上屠宰。
- Just watch your back, Commander. Things go bad on this mission, you're next on their chopping block. 少校,你也要小心点,如果这次任务出差错,下一个被他们推上断头台的就是你了。
- I must chop that dead tree down. 我需将那棵枯树砍倒。
- If do not have local arrange, still can place chopping block uppermost layer, do temporarily work station. 假如没有地方料理,还可以将砧板摆在最上层,做个临时的操作台。
- She got the chop after ten years with the company. 她在公司工作十年後遭解雇。
- Google has been quietly laying off staff and up to 10,000 jobs could beon the chopping block according to sources. 其中最后一句话他是不是翻译错了呢?
- Please don't chop in as much as you're doing. 请别老是这样没完没了地插话。
- Please don't chop into as much as you're doing. 请别老是这样没完没了地插话。
- Single colour and style, there are four sets dishwares include knife, fork, scoop, plate, table linen, chopping block and cushion in the bag. 单色单款每个包内都含有全套餐具包括:刀、叉、勺、碟子、餐布、坐垫和砧板。