- chorea rheumatica [医] 风湿性舞蹈病
- Half of patients have polymyalgia rheumatica. 半数以上的病人有风湿性多肌痛。
- A form of chorea in which spasms occur mainly when the patient is erect. 当病人直立时便发生痉挛的一种舞蹈病。
- Huntington's disease causes behavioral changes, and chorea (chorea is involuntary dance-like movements). 亨廷顿氏病会引起行为的改变和舞蹈病(舞蹈病是不自主的做出舞蹈似的动作)。
- Objective To compare the theraputic effect of compound Salvia injection pins prednisone and prednisone alone in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica. 摘要目的比较复方丹参注射液加泼尼松与单纯使用泼尼松治疗风湿性多肌痛的疗效。
- Methods A proband patient experienced a chronic onset of chorea with dementia at the age of 30 years. 方法先症者为一49岁的男性病人,表现为进行性痴呆、舞蹈和精神异常,于病后17年死亡。
- Exotic romantic aroma, gently drop, you do not feel like Qingche's chorea, fishes and feelings, love on your side! 充满-,轻轻一滴,让你清彻的感觉不一样的情愫,丝丝情怀,关爱就在你身边!
- We hypothesize that similar mechanisms may underlie both chorea gravidarum and this case of pregnancy-induced OCD. 所以我们推测妊娠舞蹈病和这个由妊娠诱发OCD的病例之下有相似的发病机制。
- Chorea is an aimless and irregular,fast and involuntary movement of head and face,and four extremities. 舞蹈病临床常见以头面部及四肢无目地不规则,快速不自主的运动,呈突然发作。
- Raashid Luqmani, from the Uniersity of Oxford in the UK, comments that for now "giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica remain therapeutic challenges. 对处理这些疾病的医生所提供的信息是类固醇仍然是最基本的治疗。”
- It is mainly indicated for cerebral disorders, such as hemiplegia, numbness, aphasia, dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus, chorea, etc. 头针主要用于治疗脑源性疾病,如偏瘫,麻木、失语、眩晕、耳鸣、舞蹈病等。
- Results:The incident rate of Involuntary Movements is 4%,Most of which are tremor and chorea,and a few of which are ataxia and myoclouns . 结果:森林脑炎病人伴发不自主运动发生率为4%25,以震颤、舞蹈动作为主,少数为共济运动障碍及肌阵挛。
- He was among the first to explain the nature of hysteria and St.Vitus' dance (Sydenham's chorea) and to use iron to treat iron-deficiency anemia. 他是最早解释歇斯底里和圣维杜斯舞蹈病(西德纳姆舞蹈病)本质的人之一,也是最早用铁治疗缺铁性贫血的人之一。
- Objective:To explore clinical characteristics of Sydenham chorea, to improve clinical diagnosis accuracy and to reduce misdiagnosis. 目的:分析小舞蹈病的临床特点,以提高对小舞蹈病的认识,减少临床误诊。
- Last October, the Genetics and Insurance committee decided that the genetic test used to identify the risk of contracting Huntington's chorea, a fatal brain disease was relevant for life insurance. 去年10月,遗传学与保险委员会决定,用来鉴定一种致死性脑病亨廷顿氏舞蹈症的危险性的遗传检测与人寿保险有关。
- Methods:Rats cerebella granule neurons were pre incubated with chorea toxin or dibutyryl cAMP for 20 min to raise the intracellular cAMP levels,and then cultured on the immobilized myelin substrate. 方法 :用霍乱毒素、双丁酰环磷腺苷预先孵育小脑颗粒神经元以间接和直接提高胞内cAMP ,培养神经元于髓鞘膜蛋白基质上 ,观察对神经元突起生长的影响。
- Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by a number of symptoms that include ataxia, tremor, myoclonus, chorea and dementia. 齿状核红核苍白球丘脑底核萎缩(dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy, DRPLA)是一种常染色体显性遗传的神经退行性疾病,临床表现有共济失调、震颤、肌肉痉挛、舞蹈症、痴呆等。
- Diabetes or diabetes-prone, high blood pressure, varicose veins, phlebitis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, porphyria, hands and feet used with caution in patients with convulsions and small chorea. 糖尿病或糖尿病倾向、高血压、静脉曲张、静脉炎、多发性硬化症、癫痫、卟啉病、手足抽搐及小舞蹈病患者慎用。
- perispondylitis cervicalis rheumatica [医] 风湿性颈椎骨周炎
- Chorea Associated with Non-ketotic Hyperglycemia 非酮症高血糖性舞蹈病