- chosen unit weight 设计密度
- Perhaps a key adaptive advantage of the angiosperm is their ability to construct wood with much less expenditure of energy per unit weight. 也许被子植物适应优势的秘诀就在于它们有能力形成每单位重量的木材可支付少得多的能。
- It is frequently referred to as "pressure head" when expressed in terms of energy per unit weight of water. 当以单位水重的能量来表达时,经常看作为“压头”。
- Packaging should include: material, state, thickness, closure, inner lining, outer securing and unit weight. 包装方法应说明包装的材质、状态、厚度、封口、内部衬物、外部加固情况及单位重量等。
- SWIFT Program promises that all ordered Kalmar spare parts below 30KG unit weight be put on plane within 24 hours. 物流24计划(雨燕服务)承诺客户:任何单重低于30公斤的卡尔玛零件,在接到客户的订单后24小时内必须送上飞机(以运单为凭证)。
- By unit weight cent is horniness beaverboard, half horniness beaverboard and soft qualitative beaverboard 3 kinds. 按容重分为硬质纤维板、半硬质纤维板和软质纤维板3种。
- The spongy degree had marked relation ship on water content,unit weight and respiratory strength of the radish. 萝卜糠心程度与萝卜含水量、容重及呼吸强度呈极显著相关。
- Exhibit 1 shows that the curve A conventional framework of the average unit weight of several floors with the increase of the situation. 图示1中的曲线A显示了常规框架的平均单位的重量随着楼层数的增加而增加的情况。
- As the SSOS replace the fine aggregate more, the unit weight and pulse velocity of CLSM raise, but the setting time reduce. 还原碴取代胶结料重量比例达25%25至50%25时,胶结料浆体能有效包覆骨材,能带动骨材流动使CLSM材料工作度增加。
- The costs for steel and cambering are specified on a unit weight of the beam basis;for example, a cost per pound of the beam. 钢和拱的价格随着梁的质量单位而变换,例如,每磅的梁的费用。
- Thank you for choosing United Riches for your traveling services. 谢谢您选择联合riches旅行。
- The engineering properties of miscellaneous fill include: unit weight, water content, porosity, coefficient of permeability, shear strength and compressibility. 杂填土的工程性质包括:重度、含水量、孔隙率、渗透系数、剪切强度和压缩性。
- If you had to choose between playing for United and Parma, I think everyone would have chosen United just like I did. 如果你有一个机会来选择是为帕尔玛还是曼联踢球的话,我想每个人都会选择曼联。我也一样。
- After irrigation, the area of wetting and soil moisture are influenced by hydraulic height, initial soil moisture, soil unit weight and depth of seepage-pipe in different degrees. 渗灌条件不同,灌后土壤湿润区以及湿润区土壤含水量的分布显著不同;
- He has chosen the most direct route. 他选取了最直的路线。
- To estimate of ultimate bearing capacity from the cohesion and unit weight of soil and embedded depth (overburden), the kinematical approach of limit analysis based on the three-dimensional mechanism was used. 文中利用极限分析中的机动法,构建了一个临近基坑矩形浅基础的三维机动许可破坏模式,按照地基承载力的传统表达方式,分别给出了单独考虑土的粘聚力、基础埋深(超载)和土的自重影响的承载力系数。
- She was chosen to play the heroine in this film. 她被选定在这部影片中扮演女主角。
- It maddens me that she was chosen instead of me. 选中她而未选中我,真把我气死了。
- The loose and weak fly ash has been strengthened to dense condition by vibroflotation. The relative density and unit weight have been increas- ed to 0.65 and 9.5 kN/m~3 from 0.09 and 8 kN/m~3 respectively. 极松散的灰渣经过振冲加固变成紧密状态;灰渣的相对密度与干容重分别从0.;09和8kN/m~3提高到0
- She was chosen by lot to represent us. 她抽中签当我们的代表。