- chrisliaaity cultural context 基督教文化
- Cultural context in English-Chinese translation. 英汉翻译中的文化语境
- How does it all happen? The socio-historical and cultural context of Creolization. The dynamics of language contact. 这是如何发生?克理奥尔化的的社会历史和文化背景。语言接触的动力。
- As a curator, Ye Yongqing reflects upon the cultural context while re-interpreting the different angles of art pieces. 叶永青在他策划的诸多的展览里,都可以看出他透过艺术作品所呈现的语境对自身文化的多视角的重新检讨。
- Discuss changes or developments among your series and speculate about their historical or cultural context. 探讨这些连续剧之间的变化和发展,并且思索它们的历史或文化情境。
- Different cultural context and environmental factor, terms morals indifferent shape and way. 第二部分分析了现代社会的道德冷漠。
- James Sambrook, The Eighteenth Century: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature (Longman, 1994), p.11. 见吴景荣、刘意青编写的《英国十八世纪文学史》;外语教学与研究出版社2000年版;6-7页.
- The Dick and Carey model for systematic instructional design is the outcome of the United States educational context and cultural context. 迪克-凯瑞的系统教学设计模式是美国教育背景和文化背景下的产物。
- Exploring the celebrity portraits by Andy Warhol in this cultural context will be the principal intent of the present essay. 由这个文化脉络来瞭解和探索安迪?华荷及其名人系列乃是本文的首要的企图。
- In the cultural context of the plural-coexist,acceptors are facing the psychological imbalance and dislocation in their accept visual-fields. 在多元共生的文化语境下,受众正面临着接受视野中的心理失衡和错位。
- Archaeoastronomy is the study of ancient or traditional astronomies in their cultural context, utilizing archaeological and anthropological evidence. 考古天文学是研究古代和传统天文学在文化传承、利用考古学和人类学的证据。
- After their surfacing, the new generation directors have been confronting more complicated cultural context and industrial reality. 新生代导演浮出“地表”之后,面临着更为复杂的文化语境与产业现实。
- Ms Showalter instead treads a careful line, seeking primarily to appreciate their literary achievements in the cultural context of their times. 肖沃尔特则小心行事,她主要以作者所处的文化背景对其文学成就作出评价。
- The purpose of this research is to ascertain the politics of the body through menopausal experience in the cultural context of Taiwan. 本研究目的在藉由台湾社会脉络之权力关系解析停经的文化意义。
- When setting down, they have got to make a choice of new lifestyles including getting into local community or making a group of the people with a cultural context. 当在陌生的地方安顿好后,他们很自然地要选择适合的生活方式。包括:设法融入当地社会或者组成自己的圈子。
- The origin of personal practical knowledge is related to childhood experience, thumbprint, teaching experience, life value of the teacher and cultural context. 三、教师个人实践知识的来源,与教师个人的儿时经验、个性特征、教学经历、人生价值、文化生态等密切相关。
- In learning language's process, cannot neglect the Trans-Culture human relations, at the right moment inducts cultural context knowledge especially important. 总之,语言是文化的产物,它具有深刻的文化内涵与不同的对象,在什么样的情况下,如何表述一种思想,与文化背景密切相关。
- We intend to work with indigenous organizations/churches, to understand their needs within their cultural context, and develop appropriate teaching materials to suit their needs. 我们将与当地的机构和教会配合,在其所处的文化环境中了解他们的需要以编制适用的教导材料。
- He seeks to put Wall Street into its US cultural context through the observations of outsiders - writers, politicians and popular entertainers among them. 他设法通过作家、政客和流行艺人等局外人的评论,而把华尔街融入美国文化的背景中。
- And we also unceasingly promote the new products, which maximum satisfaction different region, different cultural context, different diet custom consumer's taste demand . 且不断推出引导市场潮流的各类新产品,极大的满足了不同地域,不同文化背景,不同饮食习惯的消费者的口味需求。