- Potential Hazards of Human Contaminated Soils. 人类污染的土壤的潜在危险。
- Microbes can take toxic substances in contaminated soil and convert them into harmless byproducts. 微生物能从被污染的土壤中吸收有毒的物质,把它们转化成无害的副产品。
- Degradation of phebanthrene and pyrene in contaminated soil by immobilized Zoogloeasp. And Fusarium sp. 固定化微生物降解土壤中菲和芘的研究。
- Study on the phytoremediation of zinc contaminated soil by officinal Mirabilis jalapa L. 药用植物紫花茉莉对农用污泥锌污染的修复研究。
- Depending on the volume and the location of the contaminated soil, theprocess may require months or years to complete. 依据被污染土壤的体积和位置不同,该过程可能需要几个月或几年完成。
- Title: Study on the phytoremediation of zinc contaminated soil by officinal Mirabilis jalapa L. 关键词:药用植物;紫花茉莉;污泥;锌污染;修复
- The seed bourgeon ,seedling growth ,crop yield and heavy metals contents were influenced by contaminated soil. 土壤重金属污染影响了种子萌发、幼苗生长、作物产量及体内重金属含量,探讨了污染土壤的酶学评价方法。
- Contaminated soil threatens groundwater because of the inappropriate handling of chemicals in the past. 土壤的污染也会由于不当的化学处理威胁到地下水。
- Phytoremediation is a technology that involves the use of plants to remove heavy metals from contaminated soil. 摘要植物修复是利用植物来清除污染土壤中重金属的一项技术。
- A closer look at our surrounding it, is no longer a crystal clear spring water, to see just a ditch contaminated soil. 仔细看看我们的四周吧,不再是清澈见底的泉水,看到的只是一个被污染的泥沟。
- Human contact with contaminated soil like working barefoot in fields may result in these larvae penetrating through the skin and causing infection. 如人类接触受污染的泥土,例如赤足在田里工作,这些幼虫可能会穿透皮肤,引致感染。
- Due to the characteristic of technical impracticability, it is hard to calculate the cost of remedying contaminated soil and groundwater. 土壤及地下水污染整治作业有技术不可行之特性,因此整治费用有难以估计之问题。
- The researchers said they will keep the earthworms, and placed in the contaminated soil to remove heavy metals in the soil rich. 研究人员表示他们将饲养这种蚯蚓,并放置在被污染的土壤中,以除去富含重金属的土壤。
- Bioremediation of low-level radionuclide contaminated soils and water. 土-水介质中低放核素污染物的生物修复。
- Construction and operation of a soil remediation facility by thermal desorption to treat contaminated soil from the former Cheoy Lee Shipyard. 建造及营办以热力解吸法运作的土壤复育设施,以处理前财利船厂的污泥。
- Soil pollution and remediation technology are reviewed, especially the biological technology in remediation of organic contaminated soil is introduced. 文章就土壤污染及其修复技术进行了阐述,特别介绍了有机污染土壤的生物修复技术。
- It was proposed to combine DNT degradation strains,in situ contaminated soil remediation and denitrification process together to develop an a... 提出了将DNT降解菌与原位土壤生物修复技术以及反硝化脱氮技术有机结合,研究开发适合爆炸物污染土壤生物修复的工程化的工艺系统的建议。
- I am going to rub up the chromium on the car. 我准备把汽车上的镀铬部件擦亮。
- It is an unlikely application, but researchers in China have discovered that chicken manure can be used to biodegrade crude oil in contaminated soil. 这看上去像一个不可能的应用,但是中国的科学家发现了鸡粪可以用于生物降解受污染土壤中的原油。