- Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day. 有些低级杂志的作家每天粗制滥造地写出两三篇短篇小说。
- Churn out silly romantic novels. 大量编造可笑的浪漫小说。
- Some pulp writers churn out two or three thousand words a day. 有些黄色杂志的撰稿人每天粗制滥造地写二三千字。
- They churn out 3 000 identical toy trains every day. 他们每天生产3 000 辆一式一样的玩具火车。
- She churns out about ten new books every year. 她每年出版大约十本书。
- Of course, a royal engagement and wedding will be big business for the firms that churn out memorablia. 毫无疑问,王室成员的婚恋对那些纪念品公司来说是莫大的商机。
- Indeed, world leaders seem to be competing with one another to churn out ever more ambitious targets on global warming. 的确,世界的领导者们暗地里似乎都在互相较劲,希望制订一份雄心勃勃的遏制气候变暖的纲领。
- This factory churns out lots of cars every day. 该厂每天都生产出大量的汽车。
- Companies churn out snazzy designed products to attract the attention of the customers. 各大商家大量炮制一些华而不实的物品来吸引消费者的目光。
- This factory churns out lots of cars a day. 这家工厂一天可生产很多汽车。
- Dell's ability to churn out profits in a predictable and reliable manner has made it a favourite among investors. 戴尔以一种可预见的、可靠的方式赚取利润,因此很受投资商青睐。
- Clouds of dust andgas in the Orion Nebula churn out stars in this tiny section of the huge Orion Nebula. 本图是猎户座大星云中央区域的一角,显示恒星诞生的区域。
- She churns out novels at the rate of three a year. 她以一年三本的速度粗制滥造地写小说。
- It took Hyundai the better part of 20 years to gain respectability and churn out a competitive line of products. 韩国现代用了20年才被我们接受,艰难的做到有竞争力的生产线。
- Or are we simply churning out products for world? 还是我们仅仅只是在为世界知道产品呢?
- She churns out trashy romantic novels. 她不断拼凑些无聊的爱情小说。
- Those farmers churned out a lot of butter. 那些农民制成很多黄油。
- The author churned out four books every year. 那名作家出书量大,每年都会出四本书。
- Their genetic make-up often changes by mistake when the cells they infect churn out new virus particles. 当被感染的细胞不断大量复制病毒时,这些病毒的遗传结构常会被复制错误,从而发生了变化。
- The pancreas began churning out insulin. 胰腺开始产生胰岛素。