- Epithelium can also bear cilia . 上皮也可长纤毛。
- cilia epithelium 纤毛上皮
- Results Cilia and ciliated columned epithelium were found with degeneration and swelling in the trachea mucosa. 结果气管粘膜层的纤毛及柱状上皮细胞变性、脱落;
- Cilia were falling from the epithelium when exposed to dimethoate, while hyperplastic under the triazophos exposure. 不同的是:在乐果胁迫下,上皮细胞纤毛脱落严重,而三唑磷胁迫下,上皮细胞纤毛增生。
- Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium with pale goblet cells. The different levels of nuclei are clearer here. Again, notice the wavy-looking cilia. 假复层纤毛柱状上皮中的杯状细胞。不同高低的细胞核清楚可见。在此注意观察波浪状的纤毛。
- Of, relating to, or resembling cilia. 睫毛的相关或类似睫毛的
- Cilia are little hairs waving to and fro. 纤毛是来回摆动的细小毛毛。
- The cilia arose from the furrows. 胞质内含有大量线粒体、食物泡和多糖颗粒。
- The epithelium of the oviduct is ciliated. 输卵管上皮为纤毛状。
- Cilia jackknifed erect, her dark eyes blazing. Cilia站直身体,黑色的眼睛里流光溢彩。
- Thickly cornified stratified squamous epithelium. 掌皮(厚的角化复层扁平上皮)。
- Under light microscope, internal surfaces of prosthesis were found covered by pseudostratified columnar epithelium with few cilia. 其外层为成纤维细胞和纤维组织,其间散在少量炎性细胞;
- My tireless little cilia make about ten sweeping strokes a second. 我那不怕疲劳的小纤毛每秒钟约做10次清扫动作。
- Results The adhesion, disturbance, lodge, and squamous metaplasia of cilia in tracheal epithelium; and vacuolar degeneration in epithelium cells were observed. 结果气管上皮纤毛粘连、乱、伏及鳞状化生,上皮细胞空泡变性,并可见新生的纤毛上皮细胞。
- Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium from the trachea. 气管表面的假复层纤毛柱状上皮。
- Epithelium also lines the air tubes and lung cavities. 上皮组织还衬盖气管和肺腔。
- A benign or malignant tumor derived from epithelium. 上皮瘤从上皮中长出的良性或恶性肿瘤
- Having a band of cilia around the mouth, as certain protozoans. 口周围有周毛的,如些原生动物
- Cilia of ocrea 0.5-5 mm; achenes biconvex, rarely trigonous. 托叶鞘的缘毛0.;5-5毫米;瘦果两面凸,很少三棱。(54
- One cigarette can paralyze the cilia for as long as 40 minutes! 吸一支烟能使上皮细胞纤毛麻痹达40分钟。