- ciliary long nerves 睫状长神经
- They even went so far as to sever the long nerve tendrils that characterize the protoss.This act symbolically and literally cut them off from the primal chord of their race. 为此他们甚至不惜切断了他们与其他神族人之间那标志性的精神联结,而这一行为将他们与神族的精神网络彻底隔绝开来。
- Current thinking is that the only way someone with a spinal cord injury could walk again is to regrow the long nerve highways linking the brain and base of the spinal cord. 目前认为,唯一能让脊髓损伤患者重新站起的方法是,重新建立连接大脑与脊髓基质的神经通路。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The beggar spun a long yarn about his misfortunes. 那个乞丐编造了一大篇自己如何遭遇不幸的故事。
- How long will our food supplies hold out? 我们的储粮还能维持多久?
- Peripheral nerve autograft is the best method of repair a long nerve defection in clinic. But the donar nerve is limited and results in certain function obstacle. Besides,it is anther problem that nerve growing speed is 1mm/d after nerve injury. 临床上,周围神经长段缺损行自体神经移植是首选方法,但是自体神经来源有限,并给供区造成一定的功能障碍,况且,神经生长速度为1mm/d,也是需要迫切解决的问题。
- It was a long trudge up the hill. 那段上山的路很难走。
- Mr Jones has a long history of heart trouble. 琼斯先生有长期的心脏病史。
- Nerve bridging technique is a suitable repair way used in a long nerve cleft, which could conduct and sustain regeneration of nerve, and resist obturator to extend inside additionally. 摘要:对于断裂间隙距离较大的周边神经损伤,神经导管接合术是比较适当的修补技术,可藉以导引及支持再生神经纤维生长,同时把阻碍神经再生的细胞及其分泌物阻挡在管外。
- Cream cakes are no long a luxury. 奶油蛋糕再也不是奢侈品了。
- It took a long while to do the work. 做这个工作花了许多时间。
- Between ourselves, that young man's hair is much too long. 就咱俩之间说说,那小伙子的头发实在是太长了。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- It was very thoughtless of you to keep her waiting so long. 你让她等那么久也太不体谅人了。
- He delivered a long prose full of platitudes. 他发表了一篇充满陈词滥调的文章。
- Long hair for men came in in the sixties. 男子留长发在六十年代流行。
- He kicked in after a long and painful illness. 经过长期痛苦的疾病之后,他死了。