- Thus it is necessary to broaden the plaintiff's qualification to satisfy the new citizens' environmental right and the increased environmental dissension. 近来公民环境权的提出也要求放宽对环境民事诉讼原告资格的限制,以满足日益增多的环境民事纠纷处理的需要。
- On Nature of Citizens'Environmental Right and its Legal Protection 试论公民环境权的性质及其法律保护
- With the environment crisis aggravating, citizen"s environmental awareness and right consciousness awakens, and expedites the emergence of the environmental right. 伴随着环境危机的加剧,公民环境意识和权利意识不断觉醒,进而催生了公民环境权。
- citizens environmental right 公民环境权
- This essay holds the view that citizen's environmental right is the right for citizens to enjoy clean and healthy living and manufacturing environment and to get compensations when it is infringed. 本文认为公民环境权是公民享受清洁健康生活、生产环境的权利,以及当其权利受到侵害时,可以获得赔偿的权利,属于私权范畴;
- The third part is about the problem of the necessary of the constitutionalization of the citizen"s environmental right. 第三部分讨论公民环境权入宪的必要性问题。
- Titled as the constitutionalization of citizen"s environmental right, the paper explores the problem from the following four parts. 本文以公民环境权入宪作为论题,从以下四个部分展开论述。
- The first part analyzes the theory base and the legislation practice of constitutionalization of the citizen"s environmental right. 第一部分分析公民环境权的理论基础及其入宪的立法实践。
- Then put forward the point that the concept of citizen"s environmental right includes substantiality right and procedure right;it"s a basic human right. 进而提出公民环境权内容包括实体性权利和程序性权利,公民环境权是一项基本人权;
- Citizen's environmental right falls into the category of private rights and its feature is manifested in public benefit,sociality,su... 其法律属性表现为公益性、社会性、从属性、独立性。
- So this article indicates that only we endow environmental right to the local dwellers and admit the priority right of local dwellers to environment,the “The Tragedy of the Commons” caused by the ... 本文指出,只有赋予当地居民环境权,真实反映环境与自然主体之间的本质联系,形成环境区居民主导环境保护的新模式,才能从本质上解决“公地性悲剧”问题。
- Environmental right is a right granted to human beings,which has gained wider recognition. 环境权是人类一项应有的权利,现在得到越来越多的人的认可。
- Reflected in the process of the production of environmental right is a serious defect in the traditional law concerning the prescriptive rules. 摘要环境权的形成和发展过程,反映了传统法律在环境权规定方面的缺陷。
- Citizen's environmental right is one of the basic human rights coming with the industrialization of human society and the environmental issues caused by unlimited transform of nature. 公民环境权是伴随着人类社会工业化和无限制地改造自然所带来的环境问题和环境危机而产生的一种基本的人权。
- The legal systems concerning public participation on the basis of the environmental right include open information system, hearing system, public participation of the EIA, e... 公众参与法律制度包括:信息公开法律制度、听证制度、公众参与环境影响评价制度、环境纠纷的处理制度以及环境公益诉讼制度等。
- The environmental right,a kind of social right with public interest and collective features,often be offended without effective protection,and becomes marginal right. 具有公共利益属性、带有“社会性权利”性质的环境权益经常受到侵犯,缺乏有效的保障,而沦为边缘性权利。
- The alderman was respected by the citizens. 这位市议员受到市民的敬重。
- Every citizen should be obedient to the law. 每个公民都应当是遵守法律的。
- Heavy taxes indispose a citizen to work hard. 重税于国民不愿意辛勤工作。