- We should improve our planning for urban and rural development. 加强城乡规划工作。
- Overall Planning of Urban and Rural Development and Narrowing of the Gap Between City and Countryside 统筹城乡发展缩小城乡差距
- city and rural development 城乡发展
- If it expands indulgently,it will block the continuable development of local government,increase the gap between city and rural area and bring about all kinds of social contradictions. 任其蔓延与发展,必将严重制约地方经济的可持续发展,加剧城乡经济社会发展差距,诱发各种社会矛盾。
- Today, the City projects a gradual reduction of illegal, and demanded, mountain and rural development projects also have considerable proportion Many of these projects for rural life are hoodwinked. 如今,城区的违法项目渐渐减少,而郊县、山区农村里违法开发项目还占有相当比例,这些项目使许多向往郊区生活的人上当受骗。
- But an egalitarian land reform program alone is no guarantee of successful agricultural and rural development. 但是仅仅实行一种平均主义的土地改革方案是不能保证获得农业和农村发展的成功的。
- The construction of a church, not only enrich our cultural and architectural history, but also our city and rural landscape. 这些教堂建筑的出现,不仅丰富了我国的建筑历史和文化,而且丰富了我国的城市乃至乡村的景观。
- Many development strategies now give priority to agricultural and rural development. 现在,许多发展战略都把农业和农村的发展放在优先地位。
- Late 20th Century, in Mexico City and rural society, the Indians have a more complete non-discriminatory treatment there. 20世纪后期,在墨西哥城市与农村社会中,对印第安人有更完整的无差别待遇出现。
- Abstract: The present situation of sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD) was summarized in this paper. 摘 要: 对国内外农业与农村可持续发展研究进行了概述,并结合广东省的实际,提出了一系列适合广东农业与农村可持续发展的对策。
- Urban and rural development in Taiwan is then examined from the perspective of glocalization. 并且从全球地方化的观点,解读台湾的时间发展;
- Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development has been working with several provinces in China for 20 years. 阿尔伯塔农业食品和农村发展已经同中国的几个省份工作了20年.
- An interesting partnership example relates to the Rural Development and Rural Poverty Alleviation Programs Northeast Brazil (NRDP, 1995-present). 伙伴关系的一个有趣例子涉及巴西东北部乡村发展及乡村减贫计划(NRDP,1995年至今)。
- Meanwhile, the gap between cities and rural area has been significantly expanded.Rural development has lagged behind the development of the entire economy. 与此同时,我国城乡差距亦显著扩大,农村的发展明显落后于整个经济的发展。
- Another example comes from the World Bank Rural Development and Rural Poverty Alleviation Programs Northeast Brazil (NRDP). 另一个例子是世界银行巴西东北部乡村发展及乡村减贫计划(URDP)。
- Yunnan Province in southwestern China, a formerly poor and clandestine region, is now experiencing rapid growth due to tourism and rural development. 中国西南的云南省从前是个贫穷而又偏僻的地区,如今却得益于旅游业和农业发展而快速增长。
- Buses go to and fro between the center of the city and the city limits. 公共汽车往返行驶于市中心和城市边缘之间。
- The ruralfinancial system mobilizes, deposes, and manages the rural relative finance and is the coreof agricultural and rural development. 农村金融是以信用手段动员、配置、管理涉农金融资源运行的活动,是农业和农村经济发展的核心。
- The urban and rural development that research is expected to be this area as a result plans to offer draw lessons from a data benignantly. 研究结果可望为该地区的城乡发展规划提供有益的借鉴资料。
- He was asked to leave the city and accordingly he went. 有人叫他离开该城市,所以他就走了。