- education for city new migrant children 城市新移民子女教育
- city new migrant children 城市新移民子女
- city new migrant 城市新移民
- Many cities deny migrant children access to public schools. 很多城市拒绝接受农民工子女进入公立学校读书。
- Antiseptic Branch of Baotou City New Con. 包头市新型建材有限责任公司防腐分公司。
- A Study on EPI status and its affecting factors among migrant children in Wuhou district, Chengdu city[Objective] To understand the immunization coverage rate and its affecting factors among migrant children for effective management and policy of EPI. 目的 了解流动儿童接受计划免疫服务状况,分析流动儿童接受计划免疫服务可能的影响因素,为探索流动儿童计划免疫管理方法,制定有效的政策提供依据。
- Special conditions apply for new migrants. 对于新移民,有特别规定。
- Thank you for your willingness to be a CMC volunteer in assisting the migrant children! 感谢你愿意作为CMC的一名志愿者来帮助打工子弟!
- Him Cai Erci is the administrator of wide area newwork of this city new erect. 蔡尔兹本人则是该市新架设的广域网治理员。
- Methods The vaccination characters of migrant children on the basis of 2000-2004 NIDS data was analyzed. 方法根据北京市2000-2004年强化查漏补种活动数据,对在京外来儿童预防接种特征进行分析。
- To prepare activity plans and teach migrant children sports and games at the CMC DWJ/ DB Community Center. 准备活动计划,并在打工子弟爱心会大望京或东坝活动中心教授孩子们体育活动或游戏。
- Education problem of temporary migrant children is facing serious ordeal in our country.And it is the knotty problem the governments must solve. 摘要我国流动儿童受教育问题面临着严峻的考验,是各级政府亟待解决的难题。
- Sea oily orientalize is versed in in the build of the city, offer eastern city new historical opportunity. 中海油东方化工城的兴建,给予东方市新的历史机遇。
- So the compulsory education problem of them appears.Because of domiciliary institution and family economic, a part of migrant children cannot study in the state-owned school. 一部分处在义务教育阶段的流动儿童因为户籍制度、家庭经济等各方面的原因,无法进入城市公办学校就学。
- Thanks for your interest in volunteering with CMC. We are now offering you an opportunity to volunteer for the CMC Winter Camp 2009 for migrant children. 感谢您对和CMC一起志愿活动的兴趣!我们在2009年冬季为打工子弟举办的CMC冬令营正在招募志愿者,非常欢迎您的参与!
- Be known as phlogistic emperor the Hubei of divine farming native place upsurged along with state city new green spring tide. 被誉为炎帝神农故里的湖北随州市涌起了新的绿色大潮。
- The improvement of the cultural capability of the parents and the change of the old habitus has great significance to the family education of the migrant children. 流动儿童家庭父母惯习的改变和文化能力的提高对流动儿童家庭教育的改善非常有意义。
- Newyork city New York City even has a program for those interested in the food serve service industry, called food Food and finical high schoolFinance High School. 纽约市甚至有一项专门对食品服务业感兴趣的孩子开始的项目,叫做食品与金融高中。
- But, along with the economic development deceleration as well as the monetary policy surface's relaxation, this as if is also only the debt city new wave quotation beginning. 但是,随着经济发展减速以及货币政策面的放松,这似乎还只是债市新一波行情的开端。
- Nanning City new city management model changes and improve the quality of life of residents, and explore new ways of community building yielded remarkable results. 南宁市新城区转变城市管理模式,提高居民生活质量,探索社区建设新途径取得显着成效。