- city social sports instructor 城市社会体育指导员
- social sports instructor management system 社会体育指导员管理体制
- commonweal social sports instructor 公益性社会体育指导员
- national profession standard of social sports instructor 社会体育指导员国家职业标准
- Quanzhou social sports instructors 泉州市社会体育指导员
- A study on the developmental actualities and tactics of city social sports amateurish basketball clubs in Hunan province 湖南省城市社区体育业余篮球俱乐部发展现状及对策研究
- social sport instructor 社会体育指导员
- social sports instructor 社会体育指导员
- The Research on the Teaching Mode of the Social Sports Instructors 我国社会体育指导员培养模式的研究述评
- Research on the System of Nation Professional Credentials and Educational Diploma of Social Sport Instructors 社会体育指导员国家职业资格证书制度与学历文凭制度的研究
- Investigation and study on the current situation of social sports instructors in the Yellow River Delta 黄河三角洲社会体育指导员的现状调查与研究
- Analysis on Fostering of Social Sports Instructors and the Qualification Confirmation System (QCS) in Japan 析日本社会体育指导者的培养及资格认定制度
- He is a sports instructor. 他是个体育教员。
- The healthy city wetland ecosystem,is the city ecology security system important constituent and the city social economy sustainable development important foundation. 健康的城市湿地生态系统,是城市生态安全体系的重要组成部分和城市社会经济可持续发展的重要基础。
- On the Role of the Instructor of Social Sports 社会体育指导员在全民健身活动中的作用
- Train a backbone force for mass sports. By 2008, the number of mass sports instructors in the city will rise to 22,000. 培训群众体育骨干队伍,到2008年,全市社会体育指导员人数达到22000名。
- An investigation proved that the so-called dying rooms in the program "Secret Asia,the Dying Rooms''refer actually to a warehouse in the Huangshi City Social Welfare Home in Hubei Province and that the major part of the program is fabricated. 经调查核实,《秘密亚洲死亡屋》中的所谓“死亡屋”,实际上是湖北省黄石市社会福利院的一间库房,片中的其他一些主要情节也是编造的。
- Train a backbone force for mass sports. By 2008,the number of mass sports instructors in the city will rise to 22,000. 培训群众体育骨干队伍,到2008年,全市社会体育指导员人数达到22000名。
- Survey on Current Situation of Sports Instructor of Hengshui City 衡水市体育健身指导员现状调查
- The au-thors considered that the fairness of social sport is the fundamental purpose of policies, both of which are closely related. 认为社会体育公平是社会体育政策的基本出发点,二者联系紧密。