- Oh, we've unknowingly arrived at the city gate. 说着说着就来到城门下了。
- City gate stands open to the bad as well as the good. 城门敞开,良莠齐来。
- A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat. 城门失火,殃及池鱼。
- They dug out a hole in the wall next to the city gate. 便在城门的旁边挖了一个小洞。
- The old have shunned the city gate, the young, their music. 长老们不再安坐城门口,青年们不再奏乐高歌。
- The central Tartar city gate(the Chienmen), was still in its original form. 内城中央的城门(前门)仍旧保持着原来的样子。
- The elders are gone from the city gate; the young men have stopped their music. 老年人在城门口断绝;少年人不再作乐。
- The central Tartar city gate (the Chienmen), was still in its original form. 内城中央的城门(前门)仍旧保持着原来的样子。
- He stationed soldiers at the city gates. 他派兵把守各个城门。
- When the city gate is on fire, the fish in the moat will suffer, you cannot escape responsibility. 城门失火, 殃及池鱼, 这事你也脱离不了干系。
- Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. 愿她享受操作所得的;愿她的工作在城门口荣耀她。
- Take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death. 你就要将行这恶事的男人或女人拉到城门外,用石头将他打死。
- Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. 她丈夫在城门口与本地的长老同坐,为众人所认识。
- It is foreign army inbreaks on these city gate traditions the passageway of Kampuchea. 这些城门传统上是外国军队入侵柬埔寨的通道。
- When the city gate is on fire, the fish in the moat will suffer, you can't escape responsibility. 城门失火,殃及池鱼,这事你也脱离不了干系。
- Battle logs are laid over the city gate tower in order to prevent enimies from attacking the city. 城楼上摆满了滚木,为的是防止敌军攻城。
- As examples, comparisons of the generating period and amplitude in isosceles triangle and square section channels with the same cross section area are predicted. 作为例子,文中预报和比较了正方形和等腰三角形断面直渠中的生成周期和振幅。
- Seeing the mountain scenery from the city gate tower, I suddenly heard a hubbub in the city. 我正在城楼上观山景, 忽然听见城下乱纷纷。
- At sunset, Joshua ordered them to take his body from the tree and throw it down at the entrance of the city gate. 日落的时候,约书亚吩咐人把尸首从树上取下来,丢在城门口,在尸首上堆成一大堆石头,直存到今日。
- Especially the unique and intricate design of city gates. 尤其是城门的设计更加精巧独特。