- civil water use 城市用水
- Sometimes the shortages are caused by too much water use. 太多的用水有时候造成短缺。
- Ball bib cock, nickel plated and stainless steel, for water use ... 查看“机械及工业制品-通用零部件-阀门”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- S There is a wide gulf between the rich and the poor in terms of water use. 在用水方面,贫、富之间有很大差距。
- There is a wide gulf between the rich and the poor in terms of water use. 在用水方面,贫、富之间有很大差距。
- Use manufacturing processes and equipment that are efficient in water use. 采用能有效节省用水的生产方法及器械。
- And Under the same irrigation water use, AFI can not decrease maize yield. 在同等灌水量水平下 ,采用交替隔沟灌溉不降低玉米产量 ;
- The phasing time-delay valve can be used in mines, civil water supply systems or for phasing ejection of water jet, The key component is the irreversible damper. 延时阀可用于矿业和民用给水系统或水射流定相位喷射,其关键部件是不可逆阻尼器。
- How important to safeguard existing water uses? 确保现有用水的重要性?
- Sources of water used in production? Tested or not? 生產用水来源,是否有化验结果?
- The water used for cleansing the body. 浴水用来清洗身体的水温泉温泉疗养地;温泉。
- Winterize any other water using equipment. 冬天有其他用水设备.
- Salt water used for preserving and pickling foods. 卤水用来保存或腌制食物的盐水
- The home in 1949 before swirling water (later renamed the Civil water), water in 1961 for Ambrose people's communes, after the repeal, in 1983 the restoration of water formed Ambrose. 该地1949年始置漩水乡(后改名铨水),1961年为铨水人民公社,后撤销,1983年恢复铨水乡建制。
- The extent of water use can be affected by changes in the present-pricing system. 水的用量可以用目前水费制度的变更来加以影响。
- Raised bed planting (RBP) can get higher grain yield and water use efficiency than flat planting (FP). 垄作小麦冠层为波浪状,有利于提高小麦的籽粒产量和水分利用效率。
- The amount of water used by the community is therefore the figure used by the civil engineer when he is designing the sewage system for its minimum rate of flow. 因此,土木工程师设计污水系统时所用的最小流量就是居民区的用水量。
- How do you prioritise between competing potential water uses? 在潜在用水竞争中,如何安排优先权?
- This glass is ground under water using pestle and mortar. 玻璃在水下被杵和臼碾压。
- Does 5. sparge type make up can be water used protect wet? 化妆水一定要跟后续的保养品同样牌子、同样系列?