- And it would reassert the dominant role of the army and its intelligence service over a notionally civilian government. 军队以此加强对政权的把持以及对“傀儡”民选政府的监视。
- Now, the civilian government in Islamabad says the United States has taken steps to ease Pakistani concerns. 如今,伊斯兰堡的平民政府表示美国已采取措施来缓解巴基斯坦的担忧。
- However, those states began pushing for complete rule by Sharia in 1999 after a civilian government was established in Nigeria. 不过,在1999年尼日利亚成立由文官组成的政府后,这些州开始推动伊斯兰专利法的全面控制。
- But he cautions that their anger is being kept in check by expectations the civilian government will adequately punish the killers. 不过他警告说,军人们压制了他们愤怒的情绪,因为他们预计文人政府会给杀人凶手应有的惩罚。
- Under the new civilian government, in place since Abacha's death in 1998, Odigha has resurfaced to continue his work in public. 阿巴查于1998年去世后,取而代之的是国民政府。在新政权下,欧迪哈再次现身,并继续公开推动他所从事的工作。
- The military last seized power in nineteen ninety-one.General Suchinda Kraprayoon overthrew an elected civilian government. 最近一次军队夺取政权是在1991年.;素金达将军推翻了一个民选政府。
- The foreign ministers of India and Pakistan held talks in Islamabad, their first official meeting since the formation of a new civilian government in Pakistan. 印度和巴基斯坦外长在伊斯兰堡举行会谈,这是自巴基斯坦组成新文职政府以来的首次正式会谈。
- Support to civil administration, depending on the activity, is military involvement in areas of civilian government including executive, legislative, or judicial. 对民政治理的支援,依照活动而定,是包括行政、立法或司法等民政府领域的军事介入。
- The Islamist extremism nurtured by a succession of military rulers of Pakistan has now come to haunt its well-intentioned but lamentably weak elected civilian government. 受巴基斯坦连续几任军事领导人扶植的伊斯兰极端主义,现在把目标朝向了善意、却软弱无能的平民政府。
- When the military plots a coup to overthrow the Emperor‘s civilian government, Anami must face the choice between his desires and loyalty to his Emperor. 当军事密谋一次突然行动推翻政府,军队必须面对在他的欲望和忠诚的皇帝之间的选择。
- An affable man who gives the appearance of speaking his soldierly mind, he prompted quiet cheers from many of his countrymen when he usurped power from a corrupt civilian government in 1999. 这位和蔼的人给人的印象是说话就是军人的模样。当1999年他推翻腐败的民选政府时,他得到了巴基斯坦人的无声的支持。
- Both the previous military government of General Pervez Musharraf and the new civilian government have opted at various times to try to secure peace deals with tribal leaders to contain the militants. 穆沙拉夫将军领导的前巴基斯坦军政府和新的巴基斯坦文官政府已多次选择与部落地区领袖达成和平协定,以控制极端分子。
- The 65-year-old former army chief came to power in a bloodless coup in 1999 by deposing a civilian government led by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that was criticized as autocratic and corrupt. 今年65岁的穆沙拉夫是1999年在一场不流血政变中上台的,当时,身为军队领导人的穆沙拉夫罢免了时任总理谢里夫(NawazSharif)领导的独裁、腐败的平民政府。
- The army has mostly stepped in when inept civilian governments were on the brink of collapse. 通常情况下,当无能的人民政府处于崩溃的边缘时,巴基斯坦军队便会介入。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- The transferral of power to a civilian government 权力向文官政府的移交
- With neither the PPP nor the PML(N) able to secure a consistent majority, their rivalry has contributed to a dire cycle of unstable civilian governments interspersed with army takeovers. 如今,巴基斯坦人民党或PML-N都无法获得占优势的多数席位,而双方的竞争行为也就促成了一种可怕的恶性循环的产生,即国民政府的不稳定,时不时需要军方来进行接管。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。