- Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- Anything to terrorise the civilian population. 任何让平民恐惧的事情都会发生。
- The bombing murdered most of the civilian population. 轰炸炸死了大部分的平民百姓。
- Troops were sent in, ostensibly to protect the civilian population. 谎称为保护平民而派驻了军队。
- Army personnel were often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- Army personnel is often forbid to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population. 恐怖分子故意要同平民百姓做死亡游戏。
- The civilian population or the civilian activities of a country at war. 一国战时的平民人口或平民活动。
- Army personnel is often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。
- Compensation will be made by Germany for all damage done to the civilian population of the Allies by the aggression of Germany. 德国的侵略对于同盟国人民所造成的一切伤害将由德国赔偿。
- Nationalist officers gave orders in many areas to exterminate the civilian population. 国民军军官在许多地方下令对当地老百姓斩尽杀绝。
- "Cottage" from the Cantonese, there imitations, fast, and the characteristics of the civilian population. "山寨"一词源于广东话,有仿造性、快速化、平民化的特点。
- To immediately mobilize the local military and civilian population and relevant authorities to fight a fire upon its breakout. 发生森林火灾,必须立即组织当地军民和有关部门扑救。
- He is unlikely to let his warships or aircraft bomb jihadist strongholds in Somalia for fear of enraging the civilian population. 由于担心激怒平民,他不会让军舰或飞机轰炸圣战分子在索马里掌握的要塞。
- Football is a truly belong to the civilian population and, therefore, be able to win most of the broad masses of people love and hate. 足球是真正属于平民百姓的,因此也最能博得广大民众的爱与恨。
- Adding to the horror, the civilian population had hidden when the battle began and now the women, children, and old folks huddled in the cellars. 额外之噩梦是,战役开打时,平民已躲藏起来,此刻女人、孩子,以及农夫老人混乱拥挤在地下室里。
- Recently, more than a week, "milk" and "melamine" in the media such as overwhelming hit, from state leaders down to the civilian population, it affects everyone's nerves. 最近一个多星期,“问题奶粉”、“三聚氰胺”在媒体中如铺天盖地般袭来,上至国家领导人,下至平民百姓,它牵动着每个人的神经。
- There will be no heroics in war where the sagest place will be the front line, if there is any , and the most dangerous the houses of our civilian population. 在一场以前线最为安全(如果有什么前线的话),以平民房屋最为危险的战争中,是谈不上什么英雄行为的。
- Megatron stepped up his reign of terror, trying to either force them out or cause the civilian population to turn them over and end the terror, but the tactic failed. 威震天进一步加强了他的恐怖统治,希望要么把他们逼出来,要么让人民通过举报他们来结束噩梦。但是他的战术失败了。
- In Basrah, satallite phones were made available by ICRC in collaboration with Iraqi Red Crescent to civilian population to contact their relatives overseas. 在巴士拉,红十字国际委员会与伊拉克红新月会向当地居民提供卫星电话服务,让当地居民能与海外亲友联络及报平安。