- Will you clamber up, and pluck it to show to papa? 你要不要爬上去,把它摘下来给爸爸看?”
- It was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk. 他攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。
- Sailor as he was, it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk. 他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。
- To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office. 为了攀爬上更高的等级,一些人晚上和周末也在办公室苦干。
- We finally clambered up the precipitous cliff. 我们终于登上了险峻的峭壁。
- There was no character however unexpected, no change of scene, no stage effect, but was obliged to clamber up this ladder. 随意编派的角色,机关布景,剧情突变,没有一样不是安排从这梯子上场的。
- There was no character however unexpected,no change of scene,no stage effect,but was obliged to clamber up this ladder. 随意编派的角色,机关布景,剧情突变,没有一样不是安排从这梯子上场的。
- They clambered up the counter side. 他们爬上背面。
- To clamber up the pecking order, he slaves away nights and weekends at the office. (为了进入更高级别,他晚上和周末也在办公室苦干)。
- They clambered up a narrow gully. 他们爬上了一条狭窄的山沟。
- Must we really clamber up every alluvial fan, map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping? 难道我们必须要爬遍每座山,走遍每个峡谷,为每一个干涸的湖泊和裸露的岩层定个名字吗?
- The children clambered up the steep bank. 孩子们攀登上了陡峭的河岸。
- We finally clambered up the precipitouscliff. 我们终于登上了险峻的峭壁。
- We clambered up the hillside to the ridge above. 我们沿着山坡费力地爬上了山脊。
- What makes Stephen even more resentful is the fact that in just three years at Manhattan Securities Wang Xiao-Ye has managed to clamber up the corporate ladder and attain the same rank as Stephen. 更令斯蒂芬不平的是,王晓野在曼哈顿证券工作了三年就混上了和他一样的级别。
- It was difficult to clamber the mountain. 爬上那座大山是困难的。
- He clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box. 他登上舞台让演员帮着他钻进了盒子。
- But when he had crossed the lines he had trouble clambering up the other side. 可是他穿过铁道,要爬上那边月台,就不容易了。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- We had a good time of that clamber. 那次攀登让我们很愉快。