- Classic Chinese novels are a treasurehouse of knowledge and the knowledge source from where we can always draw our references. 文言小说是一座知识的宝库,是我们取之不尽的知识源泉。
- the classical Chinese novels of Song Dynasty 宋代文言小说
- A Study of a Sequel of Classical Chinese Novel 中国古代长篇小说续书研究
- the Qing dynasty classical Chinese novel 清代文言小说
- A Humble Discussion on the Well-Knotted Plots in the Classical Chinese Novels 浅谈中国四大古典小说的情节编织
- On the Image of Huo Xiaoyu, a Figure in the Gallery of Classical Chinese Novels 论我国古典小说人物画廊中的霍小玉形象
- The Genesis of Basic Forms of Love Stories between Humans and Ghosts in Classical Chinese Novels 文言小说人鬼恋故事基本模式的成因探索
- The Individuation of the"Professional Storyteller"--A Line from the Classical Chinese Novels to Modern Chinese Novels "说书人"叙述者的个性化--中国传统小说与现代小说的一条线索
- Religion, Humanity, or Ethics --A Discussion of the Evolution of the Type of Classical Chinese Novels with the Test of Supernatural Beings 宗教·人性·伦理--谈古代文言小说神仙考验型作品的流变
- The Pupil Surpasses the Master --On Pu Songling's Innovation and Breakthrough in the Art Function of Classical Chinese Novels 青出于蓝而胜于蓝--论蒲松龄对文言小说艺术功能的创新与突破
- Communicating and Traveling of the Author of Classical Chinese Novel in the period of Qian-Jia and Their Novel Writing 乾嘉文言小说作者的交游与其小说写作
- She graduated from the comics to the classical Chinese novel"a Dream of Red Mansions" 她从看连环画逐渐过渡到看中国古典小说《红楼梦》。
- It stands out among classical Chinese gardens. 可它是中国古典园林中的佼佼者。
- He has composed several poems in classical Chinese. 他用文言文写过几首古诗。
- Timi sang songs from classic Chinese opera dramas. 黄梅调戏经典 (Huang Mei Diao classic drama) - 卓依婷唱黄梅调的歌曲。
- Lin Tai-yu, a character in a classical Chinese novel, said: "Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind." 我们的古人林黛玉讲,不是东风压倒西风,就是西风压倒东风。
- The classical Chinese poetry paid much attention to implication. 中国古诗非常注重言外之意。
- Wu's works, either in content or artistic form, are of a transitional feature of Chinese novels from classical to modern times. 吴趼人小说从思想内容到艺术形式都表现出中国近代小说从古典到现代嬗变期的过渡性特征。
- Anyway, I want to read some impressive Chinese novel either. 无论如何,也想读中国的有趣的小说一下。