- The system of “Culpa In Contrahendo”liability formed and developed between classical contract law system and classical tort law system. 缔约过失责任制度是在传统契约法和侵权法的缝隙中萌芽生长的。
- This is the classic contract issue - how do you ensure that two ends of a communication chain can work with the data coherently? 这就是传统的契约问题:如何保证通信链的两端采用一致的方式处理数据?
- Because of malpractice of utilitarianism and positivism, the position of individual will had wavered, classical contract system had begun to face crisis. 由于功利主义与实证主义本身存在着弊端,使得个人意志作为古典契约的基础发生动摇,以至于古典契约制度面临危机。
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- His writings are full of classical allusions. 他的著作里用了很多典故。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- An orchestra usually plays classical music. 管弦乐队通常演奏古典音乐。
- Interest in classic music has revived recently. 近来对古典音乐的兴趣又浓厚起来。
- It is impossible for him to get off the contract. 他不可能解除契约对自己的束缚。
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。
- Their acceptance of the contract is still in doubt. 他们是否接受那合同还说不准。
- A penalty clause was written into the contract. 在合同中写入了一项罚款条款。
- He fall into rapture over classic music. 他对古典音乐喜爱若狂。
- I prefer classical music to pop music. 我喜欢古典音乐,不太喜欢流行音乐。
- It's clearly a breach of contract. 这显然是违反了合同。
- John is very knowledgeable about classical music. 约翰对古典音乐有丰富的知识。
- She prefers pop music and jazz to classical music. 较之古典音乐她更喜欢流行音乐与爵士音乐。
- I am under contract so I must finish the job. 我有合同在先,所以必须完成这项工作。
- I won't discuss the minutiae of the contract now. 我现在不商谈合同的细节。
- He likes pop; he doesn't care for classic music. 他喜欢流行歌曲,不喜欢古典音乐。