- classical driving field 经典驱动场
- Geomatric phase occurs when the phase of driving field varies adiabatically. 结果表明,以经典方式描述的驱动光场的位相发生绝热变化时,在输出光场中会出现几何位相。
- It is shown that the cooperative behavior is strongly dependent on the Rabi frequency of the coherent driving field. 研究结果表明,在目前系统中探测场的并发现象强烈地依赖于相干驱动场的拉比频率。
- We discuss the properties of an external driving field when atom's decoherence vanish from sight. 在两能级原子的消相干被消除的情况下,讨论外加驱动场的特性。
- Spontaneous emission can be modified through controlling the Rabi frequency of the driving field. 通过改变驱动场的拉比频率可以达到控制原子自发发射的目的。
- The dependence of the gain behavior of the system on Rabi frequency of the driving field and other parameters is also illustrated and analyzed. 图示并分析了系统增益对驱动场和其他参量的依赖性。
- When the Rabi frequency of the driving field is larger and reach a threshold,a special gain region will appear by adjusting the detuning of the probe field. 驱动场Rabi频率较大而达到某一阈值后,调整探测场的失谐将出现特别增益区。
- The problem of the decoherence of two-level atom being put in a thermal reservoir through an external controllable driving field is studied in high-intensity cavity. 摘要研究置于外部环境(热库)中的两能级原子在外加驱动场时原子的消相干问题。
- The finite bandwidths of the driving and the probe field decrease the gain and change the value of the index of refraction, especially of the driving field. 激发场线宽破坏了原子的相干性,使介质的增益下降并改变了折射率的大小,探测场的线宽使介质的探测增益谱及折射率谱的分辨率下降。
- With the driving detuning increasing,the oscillating time of the dispersion of the driving field becomes longer,the amplitude and the stationary value increase. 随着失谐的增大,探测场增益(吸收)、色散和双光子相干随时间的演化行为逐渐偏离标准阻尼振子的演化规律;
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- Then it established the control model between the actuator input current and output strain/force, which is used in the low frequency or static driving field and ignores the hysteresis. 建立了一个执行器在低频驱动、准静态领域应用的、忽略磁滞效应、从输入电流到输出位移/力之间的用于位移控制的控制模型。
- Whether narrowing or widening depends on models and parameters.The contribution of the coherences to linewidth is smaller than that of the populations and can be neglected for a strong driving field. 我们的研究还表明,原子相干对线宽的影响小于布居数对线宽的影响,在强驱动场下,原子相干的效应可忽略。
- He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性。
- His writings are full of classical allusions. 他的著作里用了很多典故。
- He was had up for dangerous driving. 他因危险驾驶而被控告。
- Increasing the driving field intensity, the medium"s dispersion changes from normal to anomalous, which leads to the switching from subluminal to superluminal light pulse propagation. 通过增加驱动场的强度,光学介质的色散性质由正常色散向反常色散转换,导致光的传播速度由慢光速到超光速的转换。
- An orchestra usually plays classical music. 管弦乐队通常演奏古典音乐。
- Interest in classic music has revived recently. 近来对古典音乐的兴趣又浓厚起来。
- In case invite about overmuch, drive field is frequent, it is Morpheus time really finite, so, steal a sky to use massage means, reduce sarcous tensity gently, also meet somewhat help. 万一邀约过多、赶场频繁,实在是睡眠时间有限,那么,偷个空利用按摩的方式,轻柔地减轻肌肉的紧张度,也会有所助益。