- Network information theory, although still partial, generalizes Shannon's classic information theory and offers strong potential gains over conventional point-to-point communication techniques. 尽管网络信息论还不完整,但它能概括香农的经典信息论,并为传统的点到点通信技术提供强大的潜在增益。
- classical information theory 经典信息论
- How much classical information can we store in a qubit? 我们可以在一个量子位元中储存多少古典资讯呢?
- Can System theory, Cybernetics and Information theory be Unified? 系统论、控制论与信息论能否统一?
- Information Theory and Kolmogorov Complexity。Weird, eh? 信息理论和柯尔莫戈洛夫复杂性理论。
- Asymmetric information theory is the core issue in the information economics. 不对称信息理论是信息经济学的核心问题。
- Donoho D L.De-noising by Soft-thresholding[J].IEEE Trans Inform Theory,1995(4). 张维强;宋国乡.;基于一种新的阈值函数的小波城信号去噪[J]
- In information theory and communication theory, an ordered series of characters intended to convey information. 在信息论和通信理论中,用来传递信息的一种有序的字符系列。
- With this technique it is possible to adopt other important components of conventional information theory such as equivocation and redundancy. 用这种方法就有可能采用常规信息论的其它重要成分,如模棱两可信息和多余信息。
- The book superintendence system is a classical information management system( MIS), it develops the establishment and maintenances and the front end application programs of the cardinal including postscenium data nbank to develop two sides. 图书管理系统是典型的信息管理系统(IS)其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立和维护以及前端应用程序的开发两个方面。
- View from the angle of information theory, interface design is the carrier of information transmission. 从信息论的角度出发,界面设计是信息传达的载体,界面与信息传达之间具有紧密的联系。
- To determin the number of signals, we adopt the rule of MDL or AIC which are based on the information theory. 采用基于信息论原理MDL 准则或者AIC 准则判断信号源数目。
- Addressed with information theory,the approaches employ a clustering algorithm to modularize ontologies. 借助信息论的相关知识,将本体聚类成语义模块。
- In this paper, firstly is about the importance of information security and researchstatus and trench of information security in both abroad and domestic. Then described some classic information security models such as BLP, Biba, RBAC, McCumber etc. 本文首先探讨了信息安全的重要性及目前国内外的现状与发展趋势,然后研究了一些经典的信息安全模型,如:BLP模型、Biba模型、RBAC模型、McCumber模型等,McCumber模型体现了在实现安全目的过程中安全措施选择的重要性。
- In information theory, the average information contenta measure of nonrandom ness in a signal. 在信息论中,信息容量的平均数信号非随机性的量度。
- Mallat S. Zero-crossings of a wavelet transform. IEEE Trans on Information Theory, 1991, 37(4): 1019. 何正友;钱清泉.;基于小波变换的信号奇异性指数计算方法及其应用
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- The confluence of physics and information theory flows from the central maxim of quantum mechanics: at bottom, nature is discrete. 物理和资讯理论汇流自量子力学中心准则:自然根本是离散而不连续的。
- Information maximization (Infomax) algorithm is a distinguished BSS algorithm proposed by Bell and Sejnowski based on the information theory . 信息最大化算法(Information Maximization,Infomax)是Bell和Sejnowski基于Linskers的信息最大化理论提出的一种著名BSS方法。
- His writings are full of classical allusions. 他的著作里用了很多典故。