- They set up many kinds of patriarchal schools, civilian associations and the academies of classical learning. 宗族主要靠兴办族塾、院和文会等各种类型的学校培养子弟。
- No one cares about classical learning, and most of the scholars have left for other lines of work. 没有人愿意研读圣贤书,许多学者都转行了。
- The development of academy of classical learning can be divided into five phases: preparation,prosperity,subsidiary,resurgence,abolishment. 甘肃书院的发展大致经历了准备、兴盛、回落、中兴和废止几个阶段。
- Monasteries became centers for the preservation of classical learning and the transferral of that knowledge to modern times. 修道院成为了保存古代知识的中心,把那种知识转移到现代。
- I see, correct , passed on small cowry, academy of classical learning tomorrow again the beginning of the term let her be sure not to arrive late! 哦,对了,转告小贝,书院明天重新开学了,让她千万不要迟到啊!
- After the Yuan Dynasty was founded, the adherents of the preceding Song Dynasty made ancient academies of classical learning the important base to study and disseminate neo-Confucianism in order to retain their dignity of Confucian orthodoxy. 摘要元代建立之后,南宋遗民将书院作为研究与传播程朱理学的基地,以捍卫其作为“道统”维护者的尊严。
- During Jia and Dao Times of late Qing Dynasty, the new academic ideological trend appeared in academia, with the reconciliation of Han and Song, the rejuvenation of Confucian classical learning and the emergence of study for the purpose application. 于是在嘉道之际,学术界出现了汉宋调和、今文经学的复兴和经世致用之学等新的学术思潮。
- Especially the Landscape of Temple and the Academy Of Classical Learning, which combine the development of the education of Changsha, therefore, the specific culture of landscape was created. 其中尤其以寺庙园林和书院园林最为繁盛,其发展与长沙教育之发展相结合,因而也造就其特有的园林文化。
- The construction style in Oxbridge College takes on a kind of academy of classical learning, keeping "ecotype environment, landscaping with ornamental plants, as well as information campus " as the layout concept. 学院建筑群呈现一种书院型的模式,以“环境生态化、景观园林化、校园信息化”为设计思想。
- Zhang Zeduan styled himself Zhengdao.He went to study in the imperial capital in his early years.Later he transferred to painting.He held office in the Impearl Academy of Classical Learning. 张择端,字正道,东武人,幼好读书,早年游学京师,后学绘画,供职于翰林书院,其画专工界画宫室,尤擅舟车、市肆、桥梁、街衢、城郭,自成一家。
- Therefore, The Academy of Classic Learning highlights knowledge-spreading and virtue-training, which is totally different from the official education for the purpose of the imperial examination. 因此,明清书院教学有别于科举附庸的官学教育,传播学术和修养之道始终是书院教学的核心。
- When did you begin learning English? 你何时开始学习英语的?
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- Ancient academy of classical learning 书院
- Anding Academy of Classical Learning 安定书院
- His writings are full of classical allusions. 他的著作里用了很多典故。
- Hubei-Hunan Academy of Classical Learning 两湖书院
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- An orchestra usually plays classical music. 管弦乐队通常演奏古典音乐。
- Interest in classic music has revived recently. 近来对古典音乐的兴趣又浓厚起来。