- classical natural law theory 古典自然法
- The classical natural law has the profound influence on the establishment of bourgeoisie legal regime in modern times. 古典自然法对近代资产阶级法律制度的建立有着深刻的影响。
- He is different to others classical natural law ideologist, and he pays attention to the research of obligation. 与其他古典自然法思想家不同,他特别重视对义务的研究。
- The author holds that Aquinas? law philosophy is a rationalist natural law theory. 阿奎那的法律哲学是理性主义性质的自然法法哲学
- When the positivists articulated the theory they were criticizing, their articulations of natural law theory were neither charitable nor true to the natural law tradition. 所以一些先例可能被归入错误之中,并且一些法规和宪法条款可能被赋予一种解释来使它们精神上更吸引人但不跟随每一处文本的细节。
- Remark on Great Deficiency of Chinese Traditional Law through the State Power Theory of Classic Natural Law 从古典自然法的政权理论看中国传统法学的重大缺失
- Outline of Classical Natural Law School's Idea of Civil Law 古典自然法学派的民法思想概观
- A discussion on John locke's natural law theory 试论洛克的自然法理论
- the revival of natural law theory 新自然法学
- The operation of natural law is constant. 自然法则的作用是永恒的。
- To Construct Idea of Law in Modern China by Refer to Western Natural Law Theory 西方自然法观念与我国现代法治理念的构建
- On the Classic Natural Law School's Theoretical Contribution to the Legal Principle about Crime 论古典自然法学派对罪刑法定原则的理论贡献
- The Main Reason of Western Natural Law Theory Produced and Long-term Existed 论西方自然法观念产生和长期存在的主要原因
- classical natural law 古典自然法
- Enlightenment of the Revival of Natural Law Theory of Fuller on Modern Law-governing Country 富勒的新自然法学对当代法治国家的启示
- No one can survive violating natural law. 没有人能违背自然规律而生存。
- Analyzing the Features of the Method by Fuller for the Revival of Natural Law Theory 试析富勒新自然法学的方法论特征
- Tendency of the Harmonious Combination of Natural Law Theory and Legal Positivism 当代西方自然法理论与法律实证主义的融合趋势
- As the previous section stressed, Grotius' natural law theory was about much more than politics; 如上面所强调的,格老秀斯的自然法理论更是关于政治的;
- There is a classic debate over the appropriate sources of law between positivist and natural law schools of thought. 在实证主义法学派和自然法学派之间就存在这一个什么才是法律渊源的经典争论。