- classical theory explanation 经典理论解答
- The Classical Theory aims to make linguistics a science. 古典理论旨在使得语言学成为一门科学。
- Mass advertising could negate the classical theory of supply and demand. 大宗广告可以否定古典经济学的供求理论。
- Lenz s law is a classical theory for analysing inducted current phenomenon. 楞次定律是直接分析感应电流现象的重要定律。
- Einstein's general theory of relativity is what is called a classical theory. 爱因斯坦的相对论被称为一种经典理论。
- Tai Ji Lectures: Theory explanation and practice guidance; the origins, history and evolution of Tai Ji Quan. 举办太极讲座:阐述各种理论与实践、历史渊源发展演变等。
- The internal structure of the atom was the rock upon which the glorious ship of classical theory was doomed to be wrecked. 原子的内部结构是注定要把经典理论这条光荣航船撞碎的礁石。
- The versatility, accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method compares well with classical theory. 数值算例的结果表明了方法的灵活性、精确性和有效性。
- I shall argue that the postulates of the classical theory are applicable to a special case only and not the general case. 我将说明:经典学派之前提,只适用于一种特例,而不适用于通常情形。
- At that point, the classical theory no longer makes accurate predictions, and we need quantum mechanics, another theory, to explain what is going on. 在原子级上,经典理论不再作出精确的预测,我们需要另一种理论,量子力学,来解释发生的现象。
- The classic theory may be divided into Vorousov open section and Wumanski closed section thin-walled bar theory. 经典理论主要可分为符拉索夫开口薄壁理论与乌曼斯基闭口薄壁杆件约束扭转理论。
- Influenced by the classical theory of evolution, Chinese scholars of the 20th century hold the view that Houji was born inductively of totemism. 摘要在古典进化论的指导下,20世纪的中国学者对后稷的感生神话大多作图腾主义的解释。
- Hobbs, Western political philosophy provides two main justifications: the classical theory of contract and utilitarianism. 自霍布斯以来,西方政治哲学提供了两种主要的证明,即古典契约论和功利主义。
- The thesis tried to transfer the classical theory into operable management plan, in order to program 3-5 years pre-plan for Sunstar. 本论文致力于将经典的管理理论转变为可操作的管理实施方案,旨在为尚达公司规划3-5年的发展战略。
- In a classical theory such as general relativity, objects have definite locations and velocities, like the planets orbiting the sun. 在古典理论中(如广义相对论),物体具有明确的位置与速度,像是行星绕著太阳运行。
- The disjointedness between the classical theory and the existing research provided a very large research space to my paper. 经典理论与现实研究的脱节为本文提供了很大的研究空间,探究财务报告舞弊的人为因素,并且以此对财务报告舞弊识别模型进行改进和优化是本文旨在达到的研究目标。
- We give qualitative analysis and theory explanation to it according to the laboratory instrument localization, the main factor is the monochromaticity of the light, crystal absorb is the side effect. 根据实验仪器本身的局限,我们对此曲线进行了分析并给出了理论上的解释,由此证明了入射光单色性是影响曲线变化的主要因素,材料吸收是次要因素。
- The logical effective radius was selected, and the propagation properties of TIR-PCF were discussed with the classical theory of step-index fiber. 选择了较合理的有效半径,利用经典的阶跃光纤理论来研究光子晶体光纤的传输特性。
- The first stage could be called Classical Theory of Medical Morality,or Pre-Medical Ethics,with evident character of virtue ethics and deontology. 第一个阶段是前医学伦理学时期,可称为古典医德学,德性论和义务论的特征非常明显。
- The new evidence from developmental biology is particularly damaging to the classical theory that feathers evolved from elongate scales. 其中,从前认为羽毛是由鳞片延伸而来的传统理论,在发生生物学的新证据面前尤其站不住脚。