- clavis uteri [医] 子宫钥(用于子宫内的一种电疗装置)
- The uteri also decrease in size, but statistically insignificant (P>0.05). 子宫体积亦减小,但无统计学意义(P>0.;05)。
- Erber,N.P(1993),Communication and adult hearing loss.Abbotsford : Clavis Publishing. 陈小娟(1997),听力保健,听力学课堂讲义。
- It is suited for expanding vaginae to examine uteri or douche vaginae in the department of obstetrics and gynecology. 适用于妇产科扩张阴道对子宫进行检查或冲洗阴道用。
- Conclusion Squeezing the cornua uteri is the practicable way to collect the mouse endometrium. 结论挤压法是获取子宫内膜进行相关研究的理想方法。
- The incidence of carcinoma of corpus uteri is higher insenile women with longer duration of menopause. 随着绝经时间的延长和绝经后子宫出血年龄的增大,子宫内膜癌的发生率逐渐增高。
- Objective To study the ultrasonographic diagnostic value on the pregnancy of the cornua uteri. 目的探讨超声检查对子宫角部妊娠的诊断价值。
- Abstract: Objective To study the ultrasonographic diagnostic value on the pregnancy of the cornua uteri. 摘 要: 目的探讨超声检查对子宫角部妊娠的诊断价值。
- Objective\ To study the feasibility and superiority of the operation on adnexa uteri with a laparoscope. 目的探讨腹腔镜手术在妇科附件疾病治疗中的优越性。
- Ectopic Pregnancy is the nidation and development of the amphicytula out of the cavitas uteri . (孕卵在子宫腔以外的部位着床、发育,宫外孕。
- Objective: To investigate the expression of leptin in mouse uteri during peri-implantation process of embryos. 目的:探讨瘦素在围着床期小鼠子宫组织中的表达规律。
- Methods All 1384 patients with different types of benign disease of cervix uteri were treated by microwave applicators. 方法对不同类型的1384例宫颈良性疾病患者用微波组织凝固治疗,观察术后的不良反应、局部愈合及临床症状改善情况。
- Pelvic adhesion, endometriosis, and morbid changes in the uteri were common causes of sterility. 盆腔粘连,子宫内膜异位症,宫腔病变是不孕症的常见原因。
- METHODS Immuno-in situ PCR was used for detection of HCMV antigen in pregnant women cervix uteri exfoliated cells. 方法应用原位免疫聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术检测早、中、晚期孕妇宫颈脱落细胞中巨细胞病毒抗原。
- RFA therapy may have the reduction of bleeding and the maintainence of of uteri and fertility. 结果:5例均顺利完成RFA治疗,术中出血少,治疗成功,保留了患者的子宫及生育能力。
- Result The effect of calcium gluconate combined with oxytocin in treatment of uteri... 结论葡萄糖酸钙联合催产素治疗原发性宫缩乏力效果显著。
- This work was to investigate the effects of warmed needling ofShenshu points on uteri, ovaria, dominant folliculi and its regulation on estrin levels. 本文观察了温针“肾俞”穴对子宫、卵巢、优势卵泡的影响及调节雌性激素的作用。
- The results showed that Myoma Uteri patients which have smaller percentage of light red area on tongue than that of normal healthy persons. 由分析结果得知,子宫肌瘤患者的淡红舌比例较健康人低,且患者的舌左区与舌右区的温度有明显差异;
- Methdos Reviewing the ways of operation on adnexa uteri and the complications and comparing them with the ways of incision of abdomen. 方法 总结腹腔镜下附件手术的手术方式及并发症 ,并与开腹手术方式比较。
- Abstract:Objective:To investigate the value of curative effects of the transvaginal cone resection of cervix uteri (TCRC) on cervical diseases. 子宫颈病变是女性常见病、多发病,主要发生在宫颈区域,包括炎症、各种损伤、畸形、癌前病变和宫颈的各种肿瘤。