- Claw back bonuses that turn out to be earned on excessive risks. 弥补性的红利结果将是引入过度的风险。
- Otherwise, SWD shall be entitled to withhold any amount of approved funding and claw back the payment. 否则,社署有权停止发放及追回有关拨款。
- Through aggressive advertising the company managed to claw back its share of the market. 公司通过大作广告,成功地夺回了它的部分市场。
- Lenovo is aiming to claw back global market share by selling more cheap computers, w... 每日经济新闻:联想新政:以廉价电脑换市场份额(双语,同为口译储备资料)
- AIA Pension and Trustee Co. Ltd. shall have the right to claw back any bonuses paid if monthly contribution is discontinued within the first 12 months. 如每月供款于首十二个月内终止,美国友邦退休金管理及信?有限公司有权撤回任何已付之奖金。
- No doubt Airbus will claw back some lost ground with orders at the Paris show, but the underlying trend is a Boeing bounce-back. 无疑,空客将会以其巴黎展会上的订单收回部分失地,但是根本的趋势还是波音的大幅反弹。
- Money misspent one year is clawed back the next. 今年浪费的钱财要在下一年设法加以弥补。
- HELSINKI( Reuters)- The world's largest mobile phone maker Nokia launched a new mass-market camera phone on Monday, part of its drive to claw back market share from hungry rivals. 世界最大的手机生产商诺基亚昨天推出了一种新的供主流市场的摄像手机,希望能从其他虎视眈眈的对手手里重夺失去的市场份额。
- AMSTERDAM( Reuters)- Nokia will unveil its first mainstream flip phone and a music player next week, but industry observers said on Thursday the products would not inspire the ardor needed to claw back market share. 诺基亚下周就将推出其首款主流折叠手机和一款音乐播放器,但行业观察家昨天表示这些产品很难激发出足够市场热情并且重夺失去的市场份额。
- SINGAPORE/ HELSINKI( Reuters)- World-leading mobile phone maker Nokia launched five new models on Monday, including flip phones that were lacking in its range, and said it was confident it could claw back market share in a booming sector. 全球领先移动电话制造商诺基亚昨天推出了五款新手机型号,当中包括他们过去一直忽略的折叠手机,并且自称很有信心重夺失去的市场份额。
- AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Nokia will unveil its first mainstream flip phone and a music player next week, but industry observers said on Thursday the products would not inspire the ardor needed to claw back market share. 诺基亚下周就将推出其首款主流折叠手机和一款音乐播放器,但行业观察家昨天表示这些产品很难激发出足够市场热情并且重夺失去的市场份额。
- Each of the GDS companies will have struck a slightly different arrangement with BA, but all of them will be looking to claw back all, or some, of the extra costs from the travel agency community. 每个GDS都将会和BA签订稍有不同的协议,但所有的GDS都会将收回作为奖励提供给旅行代理商的额外成本的全部或是其中的一部分。
- Companies which reduce the value of option grants by the performance of an index and have real provisions to claw back bonuses after poor performance will benefit from investor confidence. 若企业减少根据某一指标表现发放的期权的价值,并制定切实条款在业绩欠佳后追回奖金,就将获得投资者的信任,并从中受益。
- Starting without pivot Wang Zhizhi for the second straight game, Bayi saw it trailing by 10-point plus after the first quarter again, but failed to claw back after pitching Wang in the second one. 第二场比赛中,作为八一队中流砥柱的王治郅仍没有首发。八一在第一节结束时又一次落后10来分,但这次他们在第二节派上王治郅后却没能再次把比分追上。
- Christopher McFadden of Goldman Sachs points out that clients have started to claw back much of the lucrative sales rebate (some prefer to call it kickback) PBMs get from drugs manufacturers. GoldmanSachs的ChristopherMcfadden指出,客户开始取得药品津贴管理企业从药厂手里得到的销售返还(有人叫这个为回扣)。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- He wants to see money clawed back from tax dodgers spent on cutting tax rates for those who have no option but to pay. 他希望,从逃税人中得到的加税补偿的钱财用于降低那些只能支付税款的人的税收。
- Wall Street tumbled sharply following similar falls across Europe and Asia, before clawing back some ground. 美国纽约股市开急剧下挫,随后虽有所攀升,但仍呈低迷之势。此前,亚洲市场上和欧洲股票市场也遭遇同样的跌幅。
- They are a long way behind in terms of military hardware but are clawing back some ground. 从军队硬件来看还有很长的路要走,不过他们正在逐渐缩小这种差距。
- There is no sign that the rise of the East is clawing back the growth of the West. 没有迹象表明,东方的崛起是在抢夺西方的增长。