- clean ballast pump 净碴泵
- You may deballast the clean ballast water into the sea. 译文:你可以向海里排清洁压载水。
- The__ maintains the ballast pumps. (三管轮)维修压载泵。
- Can cargo and ballast pumps be controlled from the CCR? 货泵和压载泵能否在货控室控制?
- Are casings of ballast pumps fitted with high temperature alarms? 压载泵外壳是否装有高温报警器?
- It widely serves as fresh water and seawater cooling pump, burr pump, ballast pump and general pump, and used for seawater desalting device and marine pressure cabinet. 广泛应用于淡水和海水冷却泵、舱底泵、压载泵、消防泵、日常总用泵等。
- Clean ballast tanks are dedicated to ballasting operations and their contents are not mixed with fuel or oil. 意思就是不装燃油或者原油的专用压在舱。
- They are F.O. pumps, ballast pumps, fresh water pumps, sea water pumps, and bilge pumps. 它们是燃油泵,润滑油泵,压载水泵,淡水泵,海水泵,和舭部液舱泵等。
- Clean ballast tank operation manual 清洁压载舱操作手册
- They are F.O. pumps, L.O. pumps, ballast pumps, fresh water pumps, sea water pumps, and bilge pumps. 它们是燃油泵,润滑油泵,压载水泵,淡水泵,海水泵,和舭部液舱泵等。
- Dedicated clean ballast tank system 专用清洁压载舱系统
- Cargo and ballast pump speed control system 货油及压载泵转速控制系统
- gas ballast pump = vented-exhaust mechanical pump 载气真空泵
- vented-exhaust mechanical pump =gas ballast pump 压载水泵
- Clean clothes and good manners are prepossessing. 清洁的衣服和良好的举止能给人以好感。
- Let's clean down the board before we paint it. 让我们在上漆以前把这块板洗干净。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- Pig iron used as permanent ballast. 压载铁做为永久性压舱物的生铁
- The ship was furnished with ballast. 船上装了压舱物。
- He is surprised to find his room thoroughly clean. 他惊讶得发现他的房间给彻底地打扫了。