- They are trying to find a cleaner fuel for cars. 他们正试图找一种更乾净的汽车燃料。
- Hold the drain open until clean fuel exits the drain. 保持排泄阀打开直至清洁的燃油从排泄管流出。
- A clean fuel; a cleaner, more efficient engine. 无污染燃油; 无污染、效能更高的引擎
- In theory at least, pure hydrogen would be the ideal 'clean fuel. 至少从理论上说,纯氢会成为最理想的“清洁燃料”。
- And develop and demonstrate CNG and LPG clean fuel automobiles. CNG、LPG清洁燃料汽车开发与示范;
- Coal water slurry (CWS) is a new clean fuel as a substitute of oil. 水煤浆是一种以煤代油的新型洁净环保燃料。
- They are trying to find a cleaner fuel for car. 他们正试图找一种更乾净的汽车燃料。
- He also told reporters he hopes formula one will begin using fully clean fuels within 12 months. 他还告诉记者,他希望一级方程式将开始充分利用清洁燃料在12个月内.
- In this paper, three future directions, clean fuels, replaceable fuels and catalytic purifier, were discussed briefly. 本文主要从清洁燃料、替代燃料以及催化转化三个方面阐述汽车尾气污染控制的发展动态。
- He said he sees biodiesel made from oil crops and recycled waste as “the most promising” of clean fuels. 他说,他认为以油料作物和回收废品为原料生产的生物柴油是"最有希望"的清洁燃料。
- Arizona Clean Fuels has proposed a 150,000-bpd refinery outside Yuma, but it has not yet completed funding or agreements. 美国亚利桑纳洁净燃料公司已提出在育马市外兴建产量15万桶的炼油厂计画,但资金跟许可都还没有著落。
- Fisher-Tropsch synthesis fuels contain extremely low sulfur and aromatics are considered as clean fuels of the 21st century. 费-托合成油的硫和芳烃等含量极低,被认为是生产21世纪清洁燃料的方向,发达国家正大力研究开发。
- As committed in the bidding report to the IOC,90% buses and all municipal vehicles (for environmental protection and postal service) will be powered by clean fuels in 2008. 根据申奥承诺,2008年我市90%25和公交车和全部的市政(环保和邮政)用车为清洁燃料车。
- Nanotechnology may also allow for low-cost, better-performing fuel cells that use hydrogen as clean fuel, he said. 纳米技术可生产出价格更低,功能更好的燃料电池,可以使用清洁的氢燃料。
- As committed in the bidding report to the IOC, 90% buses and all municipal vehicles (for environmental protection and postal service) will be powered by clean fuels in 2008. 根据申奥承诺,2008年我市90%25和公交车和全部的市政(环保和邮政)用车为清洁燃料车。
- Demand of hydrogen has grown continuously in recent years as it is an important industry resource and a clean fuel. 氢气既是重要的工业原料又是清洁的燃料,近年来需求量剧增。
- Dimethyl Ether (DME) has been widely recognized as a multi-source, multi-purpose clean fuel with a great prospect. 二甲醚(DME)以其优异的特性被普遍视为多用途、多原料来源的清洁替代燃料。
- Thus, aiming at the production and supply of clean fuel, Sinopec beefs up intensity of technological innovation strength. 为此,中国石化针对清洁燃料的生产与供应,加大科技创新力度,开发成功了一批清洁燃料的生产技术。
- Light hydrocarbon is a petrochemical byproduct,which can be used as a kind of cheap and clean fuel to protect environment and save energy resource. 轻烃是一种石化工业的副产品,可用作清洁廉价的燃料,既保护了环境又节约了宝贵的能源。
- The content of methane in landfill gas is very high, and landfill gas has high heat value, is also a valuable clean fuel. 填埋气体中的甲烷含量较高,且具有较高的热值,是一种利用价值较高的清洁燃料。