- His height gives him a clear advantage. 他的身高使他具有明显的优势。
- Past experience with Lenel or GE systems is a clear advantage. 可在项目现场工作,有项目管理经验,是优势。
- Effect: Clear advantage damp and hot, retreat icteric. 功效:清利湿热,退黄疸。
- There is a great disparity between the enemy and us. We have a clear advantage. 敌我双方力量悬殊,我军明显占据优势。
- Clear Packaging Clear Plastic Box ensures total product visibility. The clear advantage in selling your products. 透明包装透明盒有高透明度特性,增强产品视觉效果。
- With wax photograph comparing, brilliant bright glair is having his clear advantage. 与打蜡相比,晶亮釉有着自己明显的优势。
- PFU protozoan communities play the substantial role and show the clear advantage in bio-monitoring with relation to water quality. 在水环境质量变化评价与发展趋势预测中,在水质监测应用方面,PFU原生动物群落显示了其它较高等生物类群无法比拟的很多优点。
- Box of homebred aquatic animals has clear advantage on the price, norms is 2600 yuan only for 1.5 meters bosseyed crock quote. 国产水族箱在价格上具有明显的优势,规格为1.;5米的单面缸报价仅为2600元。
- Further testing with my music shows one clear advantage though, this amp really tightens up bass to deliver more kick and control. 不过再做测试还是发现有改进,低频控制力增强了,鼓点听起来更带劲。
- One clear advantage Obama enjoys is a more than 100-delegate lead over Clinton, giving him the momentum of a frontrunner. 奥巴马目前的明显优势是他拥有的代表人数比克林顿多100多名,使他具有领先者的势头。
- And in last few years, below the effort of apiculture worker, kind of king that breeding goes have very clear advantage, with.. 而近几年,在养蜂工作者的努力下,选育出的种王有非常明显优势,同...
- Among them no matter ramie, marijuana and bluish dogbane are in on breed, quality or amount, in international competition has clear advantage. 其中苎麻、大麻和罗布麻无论在品种、质量还是数量上,在国际竞争都占有明显的优势。
- Vacuum membrane distillation (VMD) is a new-type membrane separation technology,which has shown clear advantage in different application areas. 摘要 减压膜蒸馏技术是一种新型膜分离技术,在许多领域中呈现出明显优势。
- Vacuum membrane distillation (VMD) is a new-type membrane separation technology, which has shown clear advantage in different application areas. 摘要减压膜蒸馏技术是一种新型膜分离技术,在许多领域中呈现出明显优势。
- Yangquan City in Shek (Chuang) too (the original), outlined the strategic provinces of Shanxi, Hebei, Taihang Hu Ju, as the North-hung, have a clear advantage. 阳泉城区位于石(家庄)太(原)中心,扼晋冀两省之要冲,虎踞太行,雄视华北,具有明显的区位优势。
- Meanwhile, the spread between the Gulf and Pacific Northwest (PNW) is widening and nearly provides a shipper no clear advantage whether to ship from the PNW or the Gulf. 另外,墨西哥湾和太平洋西北岸之间的运价差正在拉大,使承运商无论从太平洋西北岸起运还是从墨西哥湾沿岸起运,均不能享受明显优势。
- His stature illustrates, not surprisingly, a catch 22: his size is a clear advantage in matchups, but that same build takes an undeniable toll on his body. 以他的身材来讲,并不惊奇,每样事情都有两面性:他的身材在比赛里是一个很显著的优势,但是不可否认的是他同样地也要承受著他的身体带来的痛苦折磨。
- Ma Long township, Ma Lee Highway interchanges, transportation is convenient, well-developed communication, people and business prosperity, has a clear advantage. 镇区是马陇、马李公路的交汇点,交通便利,通迅发达,人口集中,商贸繁荣,具有明显的区位优势。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。