- clear ceramic glaze tile 透明釉面砖
- clear ceramic glazed tile 透明釉面砖
- Range of Application: It is used for cutting and smoothing the regula of advanced ceramic glazed tile &polished tile. 适用范围:高级陶瓷釉面砖及抛光砖边条光滑磨削。
- Ceramic products includes polished tile,glaze tile,etc. 我司加工销售的陶瓷产品主要有:抛光砖,釉面砖等。
- Applied or designed for applying over a ceramic glaze. 釉上的,釉面的为涂在陶瓷的釉上而应用或设计的
- clear ceramic glaze 透明釉
- Here the vision system of the robot for spraying ceramic glaze is discussed. 介绍了在自动施釉生产线中机器人视觉系统的设计。
- The changes for application of glass ceramic glaze to tile are from traditional double firing to fast single firing process and formulations and composition of glazes. 微晶玻璃釉应用陶瓷行业的变化是,传统的二次烧成工艺逐渐被一次快速烧成替代和传统的釉料配方有了很大的改变。
- opaque ceramic glazed tile 不透谜瓷釉瓷砖,不透明陶瓷釉面砖
- We are specialize in the manufacture and export of ceramic glaze,including Body stain &Glaze sta... 发布者:梁雪贤所在地:广东佛山市行业:电子元器件职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上
- From the colored ceramic glaze,we can see this China was produced during the Ming Dynasty. 从色釉可以看出这件瓷器生产于明代。
- The best way for producing imitated-metallic-flamboyance ceramic glaze was found by experimentations. 在实验室通过多次试验找出了金光釉的最佳配方,并制备出了金光釉。
- Designed by the high artist in Yixing Celadon ware Researching centre,Wu Keqiang.Handmade craft, Ceramic glaze stipple. 编辑点评: 由宜兴青瓷厂青瓷研究所高级工艺美术师吴克强设计制作,手工刻花,窑变釉点彩.
- During manufacturing, something should be used to support the model to avoid distortion, so there is no ceramic glaze on the nib of the ceramic. 人生就象一场旅行,在乎的不是目的地,而是沿途看风景的心情!让心灵去旅行!
- The tile made from the firing of glaze with different colors under higher temperature is called glazed tile. 施以各种颜色釉并在较高温度下烧成的上釉瓦因此被称为琉璃瓦。
- Cocatalyst: increases the brightness of a pigment, so that 7building procelain monlchamus burn by roasted blossoms and ceramic glaze mix. 助剂:补充色素的亮度,使丝印瓷不朱经烤不攒彩烧与陶瓷釉背融分。
- The fritted glaze, with larger range of firing temperature and more choices of color glaze, is used to make western glazed tile. 西式琉璃瓦用釉为熔块釉,熔块釉有较大的烧成温度范围和色釉选择余地。
- In this paper,the seal of ceramic glaze and metal 1Cr18Ni9Ti alloys was examined. The reasons which resulted in nonvacuum-tightness seal of ceramic glaze and metal was discussed. 对1Cr18Ni9Ti不锈钢合金与陶瓷密封进行了分析,解释了陶瓷与金属封接时不能达到真空气密性的原因;
- This paper discusses the classification and application of the Long-Lasting Phosphorescent Materials and the latest research progress in luminescent ceramic glaze. 论述了长余辉发光材料分类及应用和陶瓷发光釉最新的研究进展。