- clear ceramic glazed tile 透明釉面砖
- clear ceramic glaze tile 透明釉面砖
- Range of Application: It is used for cutting and smoothing the regula of advanced ceramic glazed tile &polished tile. 适用范围:高级陶瓷釉面砖及抛光砖边条光滑磨削。
- Ceramic products includes polished tile,glaze tile,etc. 我司加工销售的陶瓷产品主要有:抛光砖,釉面砖等。
- opaque ceramic glazed tile 不透谜瓷釉瓷砖,不透明陶瓷釉面砖
- Applied or designed for applying over a ceramic glaze. 釉上的,釉面的为涂在陶瓷的釉上而应用或设计的
- clear ceramic glaze 透明釉
- Here the vision system of the robot for spraying ceramic glaze is discussed. 介绍了在自动施釉生产线中机器人视觉系统的设计。
- In the midst of a patch of deep, shady green, they caught sight of a glazed tile roof shining golden in the sunlight. 在一片浓郁的绿荫上头,他们看见一个金灿灿的琉璃庙顶在阳光中闪耀。
- The changes for application of glass ceramic glaze to tile are from traditional double firing to fast single firing process and formulations and composition of glazes. 微晶玻璃釉应用陶瓷行业的变化是,传统的二次烧成工艺逐渐被一次快速烧成替代和传统的釉料配方有了很大的改变。
- The pagoda built of glazed tiles in Huishan Temple. 会善寺硫璃塔。
- Are covered with yellow glazed tiles. 贴的都是黄色的琉璃砖。
- Gablezhao bi tempera paint, colorful glazed tile, the gatehouse of the old, the whole buildingjing ya harmony. 山墙照壁油漆彩画,琉璃瓦色彩斑烂,门楼古色古香,整个建筑和谐静雅。
- Every tower canopies are of uniform green glazed tile, hanging Yanjiao Campanula, ringtones Liaoliang pleasant. 每层塔檐均用绿色琉璃瓦铺盖,檐角悬挂着风铃,铃声嘹亮悦耳。
- The celadon tomb figures are ceramic glazed and rust red all over and look cute. 瓷俑通身青釉,并布满铁锈红,看上去非常可爱。
- Nanping Yamashita gold flashes a little bit, which is net of the glazed tile was Temple. 南屏山下闪烁着点点金色,这是净获寺的琉璃瓦。
- The Possibility of replacement of feldspa and quartz by feldspa-quartzose stone was studied in glazed tile production. 在釉面砖生产中研究了用长石石英岩替代长石和石英的可能性。
- Specification: abnormity mill finish's processing for the granite, marble, ceramic, glass-ceramic, glazed tiles. 特性:对在岗岩、大理石、陶瓷、微品玻璃、釉面砖进行凹、凸丝光面的加工。
- We are specialize in the manufacture and export of ceramic glaze,including Body stain &Glaze sta... 发布者:梁雪贤所在地:广东佛山市行业:电子元器件职位:外销员工作年限:一年以上
- Purity is always cherished mostly in people's hearts. For life, the pure color glazed tile is the best choice to break this kind of stytle. 纯净,永远使人们心中最后固守的心灵包裹。对于生活来说,纯色瓷砖无疑是打破这种风格的最好选择。