- You may see clear spring water running and splashing. 您可见清泉飞溅。
- In the woods there was a clear spring with water like silver. 森林里有一处泉水如银的清澈喷泉。
- A closer look at our surrounding it, is no longer a crystal clear spring water, to see just a ditch contaminated soil. 仔细看看我们的四周吧,不再是清澈见底的泉水,看到的只是一个被污染的泥沟。
- The main attraction is manifested in Shan Tsui-hung cliffs, clear spring Bitan, Fei Bao rainbow. 景点主要体现为山翠崖雄、清泉碧潭、飞瀑彩虹。
- Qifengyidan in scenic, winding mountain road, Greenfield Zhu Yun, Jade, clear spring water, the charming Wild. 景区内奇峰异石,山路蜿蜒,松涛竹韵,鸟语花香,泉水清澈,野趣迷人。
- Who can find you clear springs of waters, but I can! 谁能给你带来洁净的泉水?
- The level gorge at Clear Springs attracts many campers. 清泉平坦的溪谷石滩,吸引了许多人来此露营野炊。
- Beautiful as a traditional blue-and-green landscape painting, the pool of clear spring water was surrounded on all sides by verdant mountains. 四围是山,怀里抱着一潭春水,那又浓又翠的景色,简直是一幅青绿山水画。
- That elm-shaded pond, Not like a clear spring, But a rainbow in the sky; Ripples among float alga, With rosy dreams settled. 那榆荫下的一潭,不是清泉,是天上虹;揉碎在浮藻间,沉淀着彩虹似的梦。
- The city is favored with plentiful sunlight, an east wind and clear spring water which flows in three streams and reaches every family. 城市拥有丰富的阳光、东风,还有流淌在三个小溪之中的,伸手可及的距离每个家庭都很接近的清澈的泉水。
- Without any tiniest distracting thoughts into mind, my heart is just like a clear spring flowing slowly into a limpid brook. 没有一丝杂念的进入思维,就像一泓清泉,缓缓流入清澈的小溪里。
- Fingering those bamboo tubes with clear spring flowing besides the ears, Jeti became aware that the so called little and long stream is the true love. 抚摸着那些竹筒,耳边是潺潺的清流,吉蒂逐渐明白,所谓细水长流,便是爱情。
- Like deer yearns for clear spring, any businesses including real estate business, the demand for high-profit and even profiteering are strong, not bad. 像鹿渴求清泉,任何一个商家包括房地产商,对高利润甚至暴利的渴求,都是强烈的,不衰的。
- The pool under the elms shadowIs not a clear spring,but a rainbow Shattered among pondweeds, Falling at last into rainbow dreams. 在凸轮的柔软的波里我愿意是一个杂草。
- Yu was a shade of tan is not clear spring,Rainbow in the sky are bits floating algae, precipitation like a rainbow dream. 稍微有一点不同的,就是从小开始,我画了很多年的画,现在又在师专的美术科教书。
- Here is a clear spring of the cave, called “Tongtian Spring”. It runs all year round, a symbol of our long-lasting friendship. 请看这是洞天福地的清泉,我们称为“通天泉”。它一年四季川流不息,象征着朋友们的友谊源远流长。
- And so I muddied the clear spring of friendship with the dirt of physical desire and clouded over its brightness with the dark hell of lust. 我用冲动的泥土搅浑了原本清澈的友谊之泉,用昏暗的情欲遮蔽了它的光芒。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。