- Holding the post of the second endemic area master of department of neurology in the first clinical medicine college ,Harbin medical university. 现任哈尔滨医科大学第一临床医学院神经内科二病房主任。
- In 1994, she was awarded Master's degree in the major of digestive medicine by the 2nd clinical medicine college of HMU and Doctor's degree of Medicine by HMU in 2006. 1994年毕业于哈尔滨医科大学第二临床医学院内科学消化专业,获医学硕士学位;
- clinical medicine college 临床医学院
- Updates and Trends of Clinical Medicine. 医学动态与最新进展。
- Should clinical medicine learn to anatomize? 临床医学要学解剖吗?
- This journal is called Clinical Medicine. 这个期刊叫作《临床医学》。
- The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine. 临床生物医学应用于临床医学的自然科学原理,尤指生物学与生理学
- Clinical Medicine (This specialty can be taught in English. 临床医学(本专业科英文授课)
- Vasculature imaging plays significant role in clinical medicine. 血管系统成像在临床医疗过程中发挥着重要的作用。
- Ophthalmology is a compulsory course of clinical medicine for medical college students.The undiversified traditional teaching method results in unsatisfactory teaching effects. 眼科学是高等医学院校学生的一门临床必修课,传统教学手段单一,教学效果不尽人意。
- Conclusion:The determine of E2P and PRL have benefit to the clinical medicine. 提示实验室E2、P、PRL结果有利于中医辨证分型及指导用药。
- Results:Pharmacoeconomics is the needs of the development of clinical medicine. 结果:药物经济学是临床医学发展的需要。
- After I have gone to Budala Palace,we went to the medicine college of Tibet and Shengbaoyuan(a place that sell bijou)I bought one that called sky bijou . 去完了布达拉宫,我们又去了藏医学院和圣宝缘(一个卖西藏宝石的地方),在那里我买了一颗天珠。
- The quality of teaching is the lifeline of clinical medicine education. 教学质量是临床医学教育的生命线。
- Professor Liu studied the arthroscope study and artificial joint in the Sports Medicine Institution of Medicine College in State University of New York in 1997. 1997年在美国纽约洲立大学医学院运动医学研究所和关节外科专修关节镜和人工关节。曾多次赴美国、德国、法国、澳大利亚、新西兰和香港等国家地区学习和学术交流。
- Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has had enormous impact on clinical medicine. 摘要循证医学在临床医学领域中已产生深刻影响。
- Objective: To explore the differences of the personality categories of the traditional chinese medicine college students,and their different attributive and coping styles. 目的:探索中医药大学生人格类型差异,及其不同归因与应对方式,为进行针对性心理健康教育提供理论参考。
- It also confers Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree in clinic medicine. 拥有临床医学专业博士和硕士学位授予权。
- Regarding this, the medicine colleges and universities and the Teaching hospital regarding clinical medico's clinical practice, have the strict stipulation. 对此,医学院校和教学医院对于临床医学生的临床实践活动,均有严格规定。
- Clinical medicine began to enter into the age of evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the middle stage of nineteen-ninety. 摘要20世纪90年代初期,临床医学开始进入循证医学时代。