- She wore a diamond clip on her new dress. 她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。
- The old car was travelling at quite a clip. 那辆旧汽车开得相当快。
- He spent the whole morning clipping the trees. 他花了整个上午的时间修剪这些树。
- She gave him a clip round the ear. 她打了他一记耳光。
- In this connection I remember a proverb. 在这一方面我记得有一句谚语。
- A clipping, as from a newspaper. 剪辑剪下之物,如从报纸上
- That shop has a large connection. 那商店有一大批顾客。
- He gave his son a clip on the ear. 他打了儿子一个耳光。
- The wires connect (up) under the floor. 电线是在地板下接通的。
- The connection between these ideas is very remote. 这两种看法之间的距离很大。
- His business has a large connection. 他的生意有很多主顾。
- No reason to connect the two events. 没有理由把这两件事联想在一起
- The train was late and I missed my connection. 列车误点了,我没能赶上联运。
- The connection of our telephone took several hours. 我们用了好几个小时才接通了电话。
- Can you connect me with Los Angeles, please? 请给我接通洛杉矶的电话,好吗?
- He is a distant connection of my wife's. 他是我妻子的一个远亲。
- A bottle of local beer costs ten dollars at that clip joint. 本地的啤酒在那黑店里卖到十元一瓶。
- Connect these wires to the leads of the battery. 将这些导线接到电池的引线上。
- These measures will help keep the economy growing at a good clip. 这些措施有助於经济保持高速增长。
- Connect the fridge (up) to the electricity supply. 接通冰箱的电源。