- Keywords ovarian reserve;basal serum follicle stimulating hormone level;clomiphene challenge test;infertility; 卵巢储备;血清基础卵泡刺激素;克罗米酚兴奋实验;不孕症;
- clomiphene challenge test 克罗米酚兴奋实验
- Objective To explore the role of clomiphene citrate challenge test (CCT) in evaluating ovarian reserve in infertile women. 目的探讨克罗米芬兴奋试验(CCT)在不孕妇女中预测卵巢储备功能的作用。
- The "normal" urine challenge test will show high copper levels and low manganese levels. 在正常的尿液挑战试验通常会有高的铜浓度及低的锰浓度。
- Objectives:To investigate the clinical value of impulse oscillometry(IOS) in bronchial challenge test. 目的:探讨脉冲振荡法在支气管激发试验中的应用价值。
- Results The hypertonic saline challenge test was more sensitive than exercise challenge test (P< 0.01). 结果 同一哮喘患儿高渗盐水激发试验的敏感性显著高于运动激发试验(P< 0.;01)。
- A methacholine challenge test will indicate asthma, but it may require the use of a special facility. 醋甲胆碱激发试验可辅助诊断哮喘,但该试验须要使用一种特殊设备。
- B. Antepartum fetal surveillance can include the nonstress test (NST), BPP, oxytocin challenge test (OCT), or modified BPP. 产前胎儿监护包括无应激试验(NST),生物物理评分,催产素应激试验(OCT),或改良的生物物理评分。
- AACE is recommending that physicians routinely give a two-hour 75-g glucose challenge test to all patients who have risk factors for diabetes. AACE建议,针对所有带有糖尿病危险因子的患者,医师们可以用75克的葡萄糖作2小时的挑战性试验;
- Dr.HaghjooDear Dr.Cagnolatti,In a patient with typical Brugada type ECG, there is no need forPerforming pharmacological challenge test. 亲爱的Cagnolatti医生 在一个有典型Brugada心电图表现的患者,不需要进行药物负荷试验。
- Stamilio DM, Olsen T, Ratcliffe S, et al. False -positive 1 -hour glucose challenge test and adverse perinatal outcomes 1 :[J]. Obstet Gynecol ,2004 Jan,103(1) :148 -56. 时春艳杨慧霞董悦谢翠英张银花高丽丽秦小琪.;对8665例孕妇行妊娠期糖尿病筛查的临床研究
- Unfo rtunately, many autistic children were given a single chelation challenge test, showed no mercury excretion, and were falsely told that, "mercury is not an issue here. 不幸的是,孤独症的孩子给予单独是螯合激发检验,显示没有汞的排泄,然后被错误的告知:“汞并不是问题。”
- There is a significant difference between normal and abnormal groups of the poor perinatal prognosis in constraction stress test (CST) and oxytocin challenge test (OCT) and ultrasonic umbilical artery flow anaalysis ( P <0.005, P <0.05). OCT和超声脐血流分析结果异常者的围产儿预后不良的发生率分别为 73 .;3%25和 5 0
- Bronchial challenge tests can be safely performed in preschool-aged children, with acceptable reproducibility. 支气管激发试验能安全地在学龄前儿童中进行,且有可接受的再现性。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。
- Prediction of ovarian reserve using clomiphene citrate challenge test in infertile women 克罗米芬兴奋试验预测卵巢储备功能的价值
- Where this process is also intended to remove pyrogens, challenge tests using endotoxins should be used as part of the validation. 如果该工艺也用于出去热源,用内毒素进行挑战性实验是验证的一部分。
- There is no reason to believe that a sterilizer operating within validated parameters for physical operation should require periodic biological challenge testing. 没有道理相信,在已验证的参数范围内运行的灭菌器还需要定期的生物挑战测试。
- Are you going to take the challenge lying down? 你打算屈服于这种挑战吗?
- Never challenge a fool to do wrong. 不要怂恿愚人干错事。