- An incision was made into his leg. 他腿上切开了一个口子。
- An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter. 他手上切开了一个口子以便取出那根刺。
- He made an incision into the leather. 他把皮革割开了一个口子。
- Then we would have to make an incision. 那时我们或许必须做个切口。
- Close an application and try again. 关闭一个应用程序再试。
- You must close an open file before renaming it. 必须先关闭打开的文件,然后才能重命名它。
- The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle; bandage an incision. 护士用绷带把病人扭伤的脚踝包扎起来;包扎伤口。
- Methods open and close an input pipe, respectively. 方法分别打开和关闭输入管道。
- Why to close an eye to feel the house is turning? 为什么闭上眼睛感觉房子在转?
- to close an incision 缝合切口
- The absence of an incision eliminates the risk of hemorrhage and infection. 不会有开刀的出血和感染。
- The odbc_close() function is used to close an ODBC connection. 函数是用于关闭一个ODBC连接的。
- This procedure entails an incision in the skull to allow the blood to drain. 该手术是通过在头颅上开一个口子,让血流出来实现的。
- A prosthetic device serving to close an opening in the body. 修复性装置用以关闭人体开口的修复性装置
- An incision in the Prism is made which creates an access to the roof -terrace. 棱柱屋设置了一个可通往屋顶阳台的进出口。
- The ftp_close() function closes an FTP connection. 函数的作用是:关闭一个活动的FTP连接。
- The ftp_quit() function closes an FTP connection. 函数的作用是:关闭FTP连接。
- To open the joint posteriorly, make an incision through the capsule posterior to the tibial collateral ligament. 于胫侧副韧带后方切开关节囊,从后方显露关节。
- Use this"task list" to switch to or close an application on the list. 使用此“任务列表”切换到或关闭列表上的一个应用程序。
- An incisive mind;incisive comments. 锐利的头脑;尖锐的评论