- Plans for the close and distant future? 短期与未来长期的目标为何?
- close and distant relationship 亲疏关系
- There are close and distant relatives, and it's natural some are treated with more cordiality than others. 亲戚有远近,相待难免有薄厚。
- It lies on the borders when reality and unreality intersect.It's a place both close and distant. 它让人在真实与虚假交错的边缘上生存,扭曲在同一空间中。”
- China is a very strong patriarchal society, focus importantly linking to relation by blood, also distinct from close and distant. 中国是一个宗法观念很强的社会,非常重视血缘纽带关系,而且亲疏分明。
- This kind of questions started from the Chinese viewpoint on closeness and distant. 这个问题得从中国人的亲疏观念说起。
- Once, in the dim and distant past, I was a student here. 我早八辈子的时候在这儿读过书。
- It's very close and thundery today. 今天天气阴沉有雷。
- She drew the curtain close and turned up the lamp. 她把窗帘拉上,把灯拔亮了一些。
- By his cold and distant manners he holds off all who are not intimate with him. 他那冷淡的态度,使所有不熟悉他的人不敢接近他。
- Melbury's manner was short and distant. 麦尔布里的神情显得暴躁而疏远。
- Since the accident, he seems so quiet and distant. 自从那次事故后,他看起来安静而又冷漠。
- He was a cold man, aloof and distant. 他是个冷漠严肃的人,令人难以接近。
- Her manner was cold and distant. 她的态度冷漠而疏远。
- Pat sounded very cold and distant on the phone. 从电话里听起来帕特非常冷淡和疏远。
- To ancient evening and distant music? 敬古老的夜晚和远方的音乐。
- Her husband have become strange and distant. 她丈夫变得陌生又疏远。
- Sometimes it is quite close and muggy. 有时候很闷热很湿热。
- Branches. An idea may branch many times to include both closely and distantly related ideas. 分支。一个思想可以有很多分支,包括比较接近的和疏远的。
- Once, in the dim and distant past, I live in here. 我很久以前在这里住过。