- But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears. 它是一个甚至闭上眼睛也能看见的影像,一首摀住耳朵也能听见的歌曲。
- But if you try to close your ears,love turns into a tear drop and remaining in your heart forever aider. 但如果你想要闭上眼睛,爱就会化作一滴眼泪留在你的心中,直到天荒地老。
- If you close your eyes, you can't see anything. 如果你闭上眼睛,就什么也看不见了。
- I need not din into your ears the importance of independent thinking. 我用不着完没了地同你谈独立思考的重要性。
- You heard my plea: "Do not close your ears to my cry for relief." 56你曾听见我的声音。我求你解救,你不要掩耳不听。
- Just close your eyes and let loose your imagination. 闭上眼睛,海阔天空地遐想一番吧。
- Don't blame me if you come back with a flea in your ear! 你要是碰了钉子回来可别怪我。
- If you don't go to bed at once I'll box your ears. 要是你不马上去睡觉,我可要打你耳光了。
- Too loud sound would strain your ears. 过响的声音会损伤你的听力。
- I'll box your ears if you say that again. 如果你再说那样的话,我就打你的耳光。
- If you annoy me much more I will box your ears . 你如果还来烦我,我就打你耳光。
- If you annoy me much more I'll box your ears. 你如果还来烦我,我就打你耳光。
- If your ears burn, someone is talking about you. 如果你耳朵发烫,就是有人正在谈论你。
- Close your mouth while you chew. 嚼东西的时候闭上嘴。
- How much longer must I din into your ears the importance of hard work? 努力工作的重要性我还要一而再,再而三地跟你讲多少次才行?
- Please lie down and close your eyes. 请躺下,闭上眼睛。
- Vibrating air makes your ear drums vibrate. 振动着的空气使你的耳鼓振动。
- If you close your eyes ,you'll see nothing. 闭上眼睛你便看不见。
- If you close your eyes,you can't see anything. 若闭上眼睛; 那就什么都看不见了.
- If you don't behave yourselves I'll box your ears. 要是你们不规矩,我会打你们耳光的。