- closed type roof structure 封闭式屋盖
- As to the closed type,the windward region of the roof will suffer high suctions caused by cylindrical and conical vortices while the rest region suffer small wind load. 对于敞开型,迎风时上下表面呈"上吸下顶"的风压叠加组合,背风时呈"上吸下吸"的风压抵消组合。
- Attic: Floor of a dwelling contained within the eaves of the roof structure. 阁楼:建筑中紧接坡屋顶的楼层,全部或部分处于屋顶结构之中。
- Construction of suspended cable roof structure for the Zibo city gymnasium. 淄博市体育馆单悬索屋盖施工
- Attic: Floor of a dwelling contained within the eaves of the roof structure . 阁楼:建筑中紧接坡屋顶的楼层,全部或部分处于屋顶结构之中。
- The hydraulic system is of a closed type technology with individual circuits for each crane function. 液压系统采用封闭式技术,一个回路对应一个起重机功能。
- In general, the roof structure remained intact, except for some deflection near the center. 总的来说,屋顶结构除近中央处有些弯曲之外,其余没有受到破坏。
- This report focuses mainly on the roof structure and the reinforced concrete elements above the slab on grade. 本报告主要涉及屋顶结构和地面水泥板上的钢筋混凝土构件。
- Fabrication help closed type, conceal eaves style , fluffy , open style of canvas. 可制作成全封闭式、遮檐式、帆布蓬、敞开式。
- After the sealing of roof structure, the bulging parts of the bare floor should be first leveled. 屋顶结构封顶后,先将素地面突起点作适当整平。
- Strict security measures shall be established for the airport controlled area, and the area shall be of a closed type and controlled separately. 第十二条机场控制区应当有严密的安全保卫措施,实行封闭式分区管理。
- A stadium in Algeria is comprised of bowl-shaped concrete stand and steel roof structure. 阿尔及利亚某体育场结构体系由碗状混凝土看台与钢结构屋盖组成。
- This paper would provide reference for technician to design and transform kiln and kiln car roof structure. 可供从事热工工作者对工厂设计和改造窑炉、窑车砌体结构时参考。
- The natural ventilated& hardwood structure tropical design concept, especially the timber roof structure worth a detail look. 建筑物设计以亚热带通风与硬木结构为主设计风格.;建筑物屋顶结构别具独特风格;值得一览
- It was considered that the close type automatic water spraying system with densely arranged spray nozzles should be used priorly for the similar engineering project. 本文介绍了厦门市工人文化宫地下停车场内长距离消防卷帘降温保护问题的方案比较,认为类似工点应当优先采用加密喷头闭式自动喷水系统。
- Retractable roof structure lets building have indoor and outdoor using functions.It is so wildly used in modern sport facilities. 开合屋盖结构可以使建筑物同时具有室内和室外两个使用功能,已经成为现代体育建筑的宠儿。
- At the same time the design becomes an iconographic building, as the small individual houses are interconnected by a sculptural roof structure. 同时该设计的每个小房子通过雕塑化的屋顶结构彼此相连,极具图案标识性。
- Roof structure, especially hard and thick sandstone roof, is one of the main factors lead to the occurrence of rock burst. 顶板岩层结构,特别是煤层上方坚硬厚层砂岩顶板是影响冲击矿压发生的主要因素之一。
- Because of historical closed type of blasting pit is now used in many places.During production it has a great noise and vibration and also is often harmful to human due to flying crushed scrapes. 封闭式爆破坑生产时振动大、噪声大,并且经常有碎块飞出伤人,国家已规定不允许使用。
- DING JM,HE ZJ. Analysis and Design of the Roof Structure of Beijing University Gymnasium[R]. IABSE Reports,vol.92:420-421,2007. 丁洁民,杨辉柱.;安徽大学体育馆弦支穹顶钢屋盖结构设计[J]